What’s New

Finally our bestseller Secrets of Stretching DVD is available as a pay-per-view streaming video

Secrets of Stretching is a do-along video that will make you an expert on stretching and flexibility and on combining strength and flexibility training of lower body (hips and legs).

You can view Secrets of Stretching as a streaming video, from anywhere, unlimited number of views. The streaming version is available for $39.95 ($10.00 less than the physical DVD). The first three chapters of Secrets of Stretching are free to view below.

Acrobatic Tumbling now available as a pay-per-view streaming video

Acrobatic Tumbling shows how to learn (or teach) flips, flic flacs, and more—safely and quickly!

You can view Acrobatic Tumbling as a streaming video, from anywhere, unlimited number of views. The streaming version is available for $14.95, $10.00 less than the DVD. The first and the second chapters of Acrobatic Tumbling are free to view below.

Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! is available as a pay-per-view streaming video

With the know-how of the Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! you will throw high, powerful, and snappy kicks any time, with no notice!

You can view Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! as a streaming video, from anywhere, unlimited number of views. The streaming version is available for $39.95 ($10.00 less than the physical DVD). The first and the second chapters of Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! are free to view below.

Stretching Scientifically is available as a downloadable PDF

You may have the downloadable PDF for $20.95 ($5.00 less than the hard copy book). Full info on the book is at

Stretching Scientifically PDF

  • Stretching Scientifically by Thomas Kurz
    Downloadable PDF, read only, no printing or copying allowed.
    This book provides you with information how to test your potential flexibility, how to choose a stretching method best for you, and how to have full flexibility … even without a warm-up.

Flexibility Express is available as a pay-per-view streaming video

With Flexibility Express you will be an expert on strength and flexibility training. This is what every instructor of sports or martial arts ought to know!

You can view Flexibility Express as a streaming video, from anywhere, unlimited number of views. The streaming version is available for $59.95 ($20.00 less than the physical DVD). The first chapter of Flexibility Express, on testing your flexibility potential for splits and back bridges, is free to view below.

Science of Sports Training is available as a downloadable PDF

You may have the downloadable PDF for $29.95 ($10.00 less than the hard copy book). Full info on the book is at

Science of Sports Training PDF

  • Science of Sports Training by Thomas Kurz
    Downloadable PDF, read only, no printing or copying allowed.
    “Training is efficient if the highest sports result is achieved with the least expense of time and energy.” Use the sports training know-how of internationally known training specialists to improve your speed, strength, power, endurance, coordination, and flexibility, as well as technical and tactical skills, while avoiding overtraining and injuries.

Clinic on Stretching and Kicking: How to Stretch for Kicking and Sample Workout for Kickers now available as a pay-per-view streaming video

Clinic on Stretching and Kicking shows all you need to know about stretching and flexibility for kicking.

You can view Clinic on Stretching and Kicking as a streaming video, from anywhere, unlimited number of views. The streaming version is available for $19.95, $10.00 less than the DVD. The first chapter of Clinic on Stretching and Kicking is free to view below.

Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports is available as a downloadable PDF

You may have the downloadable PDF for $13.95 ($10.00 less than the hard copy book). Full info on the book is at

Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports PDF

  • Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports: Atlas of Exercises by Tadeusz Starzynski and Henryk Sozanski
    Downloadable PDF, read only, no printing or copying allowed.
    How well you jump and how powerfully you punch, pull, or throw depends on your explosive power, on your special endurance for explosive movements, and on your speed, coordination, and flexibility. Explosive Strength and Jumping Ability for All Sports tells you how to develop each of these abilities.

Children and Sports Training is available as a downloadable PDF

You may have the downloadable PDF for $19.95 ($10.00 less than the hard copy book). Full info on the book is at

Children and Sports Training PDF

  • Children and Sports Training by
    Downloadable PDF, read only, no printing or copying allowed.
    This book gives you much more than the usual information on the importance of early development of aerobic endurance and the standard precautions against certain exercises. Its most important contribution is in the explanation of “sensitive ages” for development of movement abilities (endurance, coordination, speed, strength, flexibility) and what exercises to use for developing these abilities at any given age.

Gold Medal Mental Workout for Combat Sports: Kindle Interactive Edition

Gold Medal Mental Workout for Combat Sports is available for 19.99 from Amazon as a Kindle Interactive Edition at amazon.com/Medal-Mental-Workout-Combat-Sports-ebook/dp/B01HHJZ1HS

ATTENTION! This Kindle Interactive Edition features audio recordings which are only supported on Fire Tablets (3rd Generation and above). If you use this e-book on other devices, you will have to download these audio recordings following our instructions, which are included in the e-book.

Gold Medal Mental Workout for Combat Sports is also available as a physical CD, which you may get at stadion.com/gold-medal-mental-workout-for-combat-sports/
Gold Medal Mental Workout for Combat Sports CD (pdf & mp3)

Science of Sports Training: How To Plan And Control Training For Peak Performance on Kindle

Science of Sports Training: How to Plan and Control Training for Peak Performance

Science of Sports Training: How To Plan And Control Training For Peak Performance is now available as an ebook in Amazon’s Kindle edition at amazon.com/dp/B01BG8O0UU

You may also get Science of Sports Training as a softcover book at stadion.com/science-of-sports-training/

Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training on Kindle

Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training
Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training is now available as an ebook in Amazon’s Kindle edition at amazon.com/dp/B017DYMH4M

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