by Thomas Kurz
I have no patience for questions about exercises that can be answered through safe trial and error. Why ask a question when there is no risk of immediate injury? If you wonder which way of doing an exercise is better, why not do it one way and then the other and see and feel for yourself? Performing the exercise yourself let’s you know not only which way is better but also why.
I understand when I get questions about exercises that, if done incorrectly, can cause harm right away. But what kind of people ask for answers to questions they can try to figure out for themselves? Questioning mess-ups? Pussy-footing hair-splitters? Whatever they are, they are not doers, not the kind I associate with. People who do things for themselves find the answers to such questions.
Here is an example of a question that is a waste of my time to answer:
Is there a specific reason why Thomas Kurz recommends the horse stance to be parallel with the ground at any width? Could one not progressively add depth in good posture as one adds strength at any given width?
If you have worthwhile questions on training you can post them at Stadion’s Sports and Martial Arts Training Discussion Forum