Concussion: One-Minute Test

by Thomas Kurz

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Much has been written recently about concussions. Concussions in American football, concussions in boxing, concussions here, there, and everywhere. . . . Articles on signs, dangers of neglecting, and long-term consequences.

The long-term consequences can be devastating for people who don’t recognize a concussion and continue to play, fight, or do whatever strenuous activity that won’t let their brains rest and heal. So here are two quick and easy tests to detect concussion:

Tablet-based concussion test

King-Devick one-minute concussion test.

The tablet-based test requires the athlete to read aloud a list of words before a practice or contest, and then again after an impact. The software compares the before-and-after versions of the words, looking for changes that indicate a traumatic brain injury.

King-Devick test compares the athlete’s baseline speed of reading numbers shown on flashcards to the speed after an impact. No tablet is needed–only flash cards, a stopwatch, and sideline doctor’s or coach’s attention.

By the way, one of the concussion symptoms not listed in the above article is seeing things in unusual colors.

If you have any questions on training you can post them at Stadion’s Sports and Martial Arts Training Discussion Forum

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