Rules of Thumb for Conditioning
Principles of Conditioning for Sports and Martial Arts
Individualization of Training in Sports and Martial Arts
Individualization of Fighters’ Instruction
Individualization and Accessibility of Sports Training
Gradual Increase of Training Loads
Three Methods of Gradually Increasing Training Loads
More to come:
Practical Application of Principles of Sports Training, Part II (Applying principles of individualization and accessibility of training and the principle of gradual increase of loads in strength training)
Practical Application of Principles of Sports Training, Part III (Applying principles of individualization and accessibility of training and the principle of gradual increase of loads in technical training)
Practical Application of Principles of Sports Training, Part IV (The principle of continuity and systematicness of the training process)
Practical Application of Principles of Sports Training, Part V (The principle of economy of effort)
I am Italian and I am an admirer of the work of Tadeusz Starzynski, I own “Trojskok” in its Polish original from 1962, “Le Triple Saut” from 1987 in French and several articles in English, German and Spanish.
“Depth Jumps” have been used for triple jumpers since 1952, well before Verkhoshansky.
But how can recover his other writings, many of which appeared in the magazine Lekkoatletyka?
It’s a big problem.