I was totally new to stretching!
And I have before written here, that i was not improving!
But now, since i am going slowly, I am improving big time!!!(slowly but good ..
I do "only" squats 2-3 times a week, followed with isometric!!
(but Iam feeling i have to work my lower back too, very soon....
Before I was doing more, with minimum improvings!
So to all newbies like me, dont rush, go slow, but solid!!
This Works!!
I thank you Tom Kurz,--- if you had a high kick + stretching poster,
I would put it on my wall!!
..and one day hopefully, replace it with my own!
Now Improving!!!! :-)
Congrats abcd for your achievements!
Can you detail your squat-part statement. What kind of squats you are doing and exactly what for ?(bodyweight squats, hindu, sumo squats, weighted squats, what for? endurance, max strength, knee strenghtening, qudriceps or hamstring strenght?) I ask this because i have in plan to implant squats for my split training too.
Thank you.
Can you detail your squat-part statement. What kind of squats you are doing and exactly what for ?(bodyweight squats, hindu, sumo squats, weighted squats, what for? endurance, max strength, knee strenghtening, qudriceps or hamstring strenght?) I ask this because i have in plan to implant squats for my split training too.
Thank you.
(i dont no the name of it) I put the bar over my shoulders and sit down (not completely) hold the weight...
Leg spread to shoulder level and feet flat on ground alltime)
I do it for overall leg strengthening, I felt early that with isometric stretching your flexibility will increase the strongere your legs are.... But isometric also put alot of pressure on your back, I didnt feel that in the beginning, but now i feel, that I have to strengthen back too( i will do goodmornings)... Its All in Kurzs Book actually...
But for me squat is enough for flex... and i can now only lift 1/3 of my body weight.. So if the math I do is right, by the time I can lift my own weight I will Do Full Split, hopefully.....
Leg spread to shoulder level and feet flat on ground alltime)
I do it for overall leg strengthening, I felt early that with isometric stretching your flexibility will increase the strongere your legs are.... But isometric also put alot of pressure on your back, I didnt feel that in the beginning, but now i feel, that I have to strengthen back too( i will do goodmornings)... Its All in Kurzs Book actually...
But for me squat is enough for flex... and i can now only lift 1/3 of my body weight.. So if the math I do is right, by the time I can lift my own weight I will Do Full Split, hopefully.....