critique of routine

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critique of routine

Post by FutureProdigy »

I've been having a hard time understanding some of the principles contained in the DVD and elbaorated on the various articles. Does this routine work according to Kurz' principles? I can not adjust my karate (mon/wed) and judo (tues/thurs), that is firm and has to stay.

Monday: kyokushin karate

sit ups
reverse crunches
back extensions (on floor)
adductor flys

wednesday: kyokushin karate

Squats 2 sets
lounges 3 sets (1 each of back, forward, side)
Deadlifts 2 sets (very light)
Chair Back extensions (very light) 2 sets
Leg curls 2 sets
adductor pulldowns 2 x 20-25 reps
sit ups
reverse crunches

Aerobic exercise keeping heart rate (180-age) at range for 20 mins.

Wide grip flat bench 2 sets
hammer grip db press 2 sets
overhead extension 2 sets
Shoulder press 2 sets
db side laterals 1-2 x 10reps light
db front raises 1-2 x 10reps light

Pullups 2x till failure
Dead lifts 2 sets
goodmornings 2 sets
Shrugs 2 sets
Squats (very light)
hammer curls or reverse curls 2 x 8-12reps
sit ups
reverse crunches

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