Really confused

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Really confused

Post by Hamor »

I'm a 18 year old couch potato who want to start training.
So, I understand I need to develop core strength and the tendons.
Can I start lifting very low rep high weight or should I wait some time?
If I'm using bw exercises, when should I use them before or after the very high rep excersises? stretching after the high rep / low weight
or before?

Posts: 193
Joined: Dec 12, 2003 19:36
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Re: Really confused

Post by mmeloon »

Hamor wrote:I'm a 18 year old couch potato who want to start training.
So, I understand I need to develop core strength and the tendons.
Can I start lifting very low rep high weight or should I wait some time?
If I'm using bw exercises, when should I use them before or after the very high rep excersises? stretching after the high rep / low weight
or before?
I think in order for us to provide some guidance, we'd need to know a little more about what your goals are. "Start training" could mean any number of things. Are you doing this to prepare for a sport? To lose weight? Improve cardiovascular endurance? Increase strength? Flexiblitiy? Well, you get the idea. Let us know what you want to do in a prioritized list, if possible.

Regarding your specific questions, I would recommend sticking with moderately-high reps (8-15 range) on weight traning exercises for awhile. I know that some people would argue that a newbie should start with lower reps for a variety of reasons but I think the beginning trainee can benefit greatly from just concentraing on doing a few exercises very well and without struggling with maximal weights.

Questions about what types of stretching and when to organize them in a workout are best answered by the book Stretching Scientifically or the video/DVD Secrets of Stretching. Again, it depends on what your goals are.




Post by Hamor »

My goal is join the army special forces in my country.
I saw some guy asked questions regarding the army training but I wonder if he had a reply, nevermind.

I guess that what I need is ability to carry great loads and be able running with them, running lots of hills, running fast sprints and lot of em too, ability to run for long distance with weight.

I know there is a lot of criticizm about him, but I heard good reviews about Pavel Tsaoutsline info from guys in the army branches (ignoring his advertising and commie writing style) - which is low reps high weight never to failure and high volume.
His stretching book have lots of techniques resmembling kurz material from stretching scientficially.

Also, there are some exercises I would like to do but I can't because of my limited flexbility right now - the only ones I can think off right now are Pistols(one leg squats) and Olympic lifts.

thanks in advance for the reply

Posts: 193
Joined: Dec 12, 2003 19:36
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Post by mmeloon »


I probably wasn't clear in my earlier post. I have nothing against low-rep weight training I just don't think that it's necessary for new trainees. You described yourself as a "couch potato" so I made the assumption that you are relatively new to various forms of training.

I think the best thing to do would be to start on a workout program that focused on basics. After that you can direct your efforts towards your specific appliation area.

For example, I think chosing a few basic weight training exercises like overhead press, bench press, squat and/or deadlift, and either a row or pullup/pulldown for the back, all using moderate sets and reps, would be a good weight training program to start with. It sounds like you'll also need to build up your endurance to handle the rigors of military life so spending 2-3 days a week doing some running would be a good idea.

After several months of building up a good "base", you could start to consider application-specific training. If you need the ability to run for long distances carrying heavy gear, then put on a backpack full of stuff and go for a run. This might also be the time to start directing your weight training towards lower reps, if that's something you want to experiment with.

Good luck,


Post by Hamor »

You have made some good points.
If I said something about low reps it was to hear your opinion, im open minded.
I don't have much of a gear now, so I guess Ill use bodyweight.
So, after my weight lifting or body weight work I should do the 100 rep exercises?

Thanks, Adam

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