Goal: Full Flexibility for Squats!

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Goal: Full Flexibility for Squats!

Post by TJQ »

Hi Everyone,

I purchased Stretching Scientifically based on the proof on the cover to improve my flexibility for strength training. I have a much better understanding of the most efficient ways to stretch now, but I am looking for someone to help me put together a regular routine.

I am 29 years old and have had an extended layoff from lifting. (I lifted regularly in my late teens to mid twenties.) Basically I am starting off at square one again and have recently read the book "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore which goes into extensive detail on how to do the major lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench, military, and power cleans properly.

I am currently relearning the squat or "Rippote Squats":
http://www.lonkilgore.com/starting_stre ... poster.jpg

I have two flexibility issues related to the squat:

#1) I have problems going below parallel, and when I do my back rounds out. I believe this to be lack of flexibility in my hips, hamstrings, butts. (Basically everything)

#2) Shoulder/Back tightness. If you look in the above image in diagram 7a you will see that the grip is maintained somewhat close to keep the back upright and tight. With some stretching on the bar and I get my grip closer, but still not close enough.

Could someone suggest some routines to get my flexibility up so I can squat deeply in good form? I believe my goal to be quite modest compared to front and side splits! I will be lifting Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.

Best regards,

Thomas Kurz
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Goal: Full Flexibility for Squats!

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Hold on to something stable, with your hands at about your hip height, and squat back and down. Keep your back straight (but not vertical, of course). Practice this often, until your buttocks are close to your heels or at least to the lower part of your calves.

When you get that, progress to squats facing a wall (see video at http://www.stadion.com/injuries_kneecap.html ). Your goal is "nose and toes to the wall."

With your hands on some object about your hip height push your hips back, straighten out your arms, and push your chest down while pulling your shoulder blades toward each other and down (scapular retraction and depression). You should feel stretch in chest, shoulders, lats, and perhaps movements (clicks) in your thoracic spine and ribs.

When both the squats and the arm stretch are easy, take a large ball, and hold it overhead in straight arms, and do these wall-facing squats. Have fun.

If these simple drills are too difficult, then try exercises shown on Gray Cook's DVD Athletic Body in Balance, which is available from Amazon.com.
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

Thomas Kurz
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Re: Goal: Full Flexibility for Squats!

Post by Thomas Kurz »

TJQ wrote:I have two flexibility issues related to the squat:

#1) I have problems going below parallel, and when I do my back rounds out. I believe this to be lack of flexibility in my hips, hamstrings, butts. (Basically everything)
Check flexibility of your ankles, especially ROM of dorsiflexion.
TJQ wrote: #2) Shoulder/Back tightness. If you look in the above image in diagram 7a you will see that the grip is maintained somewhat close to keep the back upright and tight. With some stretching on the bar and I get my grip closer, but still not close enough.
Consult with a physical therapist. Perhaps you need help with scapular control and work on mobilizing your thoracic spine?
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

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