I now know about the whole science behind stretching, but now I need some help with the training.
I can easily perform the side split test. I am about 1.5-2 feet away from the full side split. Lately I've been doing PNF stretching twice a day with maximum contractions (which is extremely painful) and found out that I should only do PNF stretching twice a week instead in order to get enough rest.
What I don't understand is what should I do on those 5 other days when I am not PNF stretching? I also don't understand why I need rest days when it comes to stretching. Do the muscle fibers still get torn like they do in weightlifting or what?
I never do any other stretches besides the side split for getting better at the side split. All I do is get in the side split position and do relaxed stretching or PNF stretching.
If I am doing relaxed stretches, how does that even help me get better in the side split if I'm not challenging my stretch reflex?
New (read book, watched DVD) + some questions
Re: New (read book, watched DVD) + some questions
It's good you caught yourself from continuing with your first mistake- PNF stretches with maximal contractions twice a day!
The reasons for only doing them a few times a week at most and getting enough quality rest between workouts become very obvious if you consider PNF stretches as strength exercises done with weight lifting or other dynamic strength exercises.
Would you lift your max weight twice a day without rest days?
If you don't understand the principle, keep doing it and find out the hard way!
On the days you are not focusing on strength, you focus on other important attributes such as cardiovascular endurance, and keep up with your relaxed stretches. And of course have a day of complete rest, or light workout with dynamic stretches.
If your goal is the side split, be aware that it is not just one muscle that needs to be stretched and strengthened to perform this skill. You should add other stretches and strengthening exercises that isolate those muscles/muscle groups. You will then see an improvement on your split more so than simply doing one stretch.
What other types of training are you doing? Any other strength exercises? And how are you arranging them in your daily and weekly schedule?
It seems you should read up on how to arrange a schedule in Stretching Scientifically or Science of Sports Training.
The reasons for only doing them a few times a week at most and getting enough quality rest between workouts become very obvious if you consider PNF stretches as strength exercises done with weight lifting or other dynamic strength exercises.
Would you lift your max weight twice a day without rest days?
If you don't understand the principle, keep doing it and find out the hard way!
On the days you are not focusing on strength, you focus on other important attributes such as cardiovascular endurance, and keep up with your relaxed stretches. And of course have a day of complete rest, or light workout with dynamic stretches.
If your goal is the side split, be aware that it is not just one muscle that needs to be stretched and strengthened to perform this skill. You should add other stretches and strengthening exercises that isolate those muscles/muscle groups. You will then see an improvement on your split more so than simply doing one stretch.
What other types of training are you doing? Any other strength exercises? And how are you arranging them in your daily and weekly schedule?
It seems you should read up on how to arrange a schedule in Stretching Scientifically or Science of Sports Training.