Lower back rounding in squat

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Lower back rounding in squat

Post by alert10 »

My lower back rounds before I get to parallel in the squat.
I believe this could be due to tight hamstrings and/ or hip flexors.
What can I do to remedy this?
I can squat about 90kg (not to parallel) and deadlift 120kg at BW of 80kg.
Would a combination of hip mobility drills, pnf stretching and static stretching fix this?
Could someone outline a program?

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Re: Lower back rounding in squat

Post by CSta »

Here's a couple links that might help you.

http://www.stadion.com/phpBB3/viewtopic ... 5012#p5012

In this thread, click on the "video" link in the Kurz post.

Also: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6999364233

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Re: Lower back rounding in squat

Post by alert10 »

Thanks for this.

I have seen both these exercises before but maybe now I will practice them more regularly.
Would I be correct in saying in that even really good squatters you will see the pelvis tilt posterially at the bottom?
In regards to flexibility I got this off another website:
"The idea that improper squat positioning due to inflexibility can be fixed by nothing more than doing squats to only the greatest depth at which lordosis can be maintained and then attempting to incrementally increase is not sound. While squatting will increase strength in both the spinal erectors and hamstrings, this ratio of strength and mechanical advantage will remain constant, resulting in no net improvement of the spinal erectors ability to fight the hamstrings...If a squat is stopped short of full depth undue stress is placed on the knees"

So if simply practising squatting does not remove the lower back flexing would it then be a good idea to stretch hamstrings and or hip flexors and what would be the best way?

Posts: 329
Joined: Sep 05, 2008 14:54
Location: Columbus, Ohio

Re: Lower back rounding in squat

Post by CSta »

My previous post is the limit of my knowledge on the subject. Your quote appears to come from Greg Everett's "Olympic Weightlifting." Before I'd accept his statement as truth, I'd want to read the book or at least the chapter in which that statement is made. Perhaps he explains himself further. It may be the case that there's no inconsistency between the chair or object-under-heals technique and Everett's statement.

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