Hamstring stretch - only feeling it in back of knee

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Hamstring stretch - only feeling it in back of knee

Post by Quillis84 »

Hello, so I finally got a copy of Stretching Scientifically and am looking forward to finally becoming flexible, but first, there's one thing I'm wondering about.

When I do a hamstring stretch, I tend to feel it mostly in the back of my knee. I can only feel an actual stretch in the hamstrings themselves when I have my knee bent at least 30 degrees or so, or if I do it standing, but then I still feel the stretch largely in the back of my knee. Is this bad? I'm worried that I'm stretching my ligaments and not the muscles, which I can't imagine is safe for a beginner like me. Or even if it's not unsafe, it doesn't seem like it would be very effective if you only feel a stretch in such a limited part of the muscle.

Input/advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks

ps I do have incredibly tight hamstrings, if that is important

Thomas Kurz
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Re: Hamstring stretch - only feeling it in back of knee

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Quillis84 wrote:When I do a hamstring stretch, I tend to feel it mostly in the back of my knee.
That stretch you feel is very likely the stretch of your calf muscles. Do you feel a stronger stretch there when you dorsiflex the foot of the stretched leg? If yes, then stretch your calves before you begin stretching your hamstrings.
Thomas Kurz
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