CSta's workout log

Post your exercise routines or sequences of exercises that you do during a workout, as well as your questions and tips on such routines.
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Starting over (Week 2 cont.)

Post by CSta »

Thursday (6/11/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post)) (still stiffness on left lower back)
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): 15/1X20
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20 (added 2.5 lbs; good weight)
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20
g. back extensions on floor (arms at side, holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

still significant cramping in my left foot
left lower back is still a little stiff at beginning of workout, but ok at the end;
the sole of my right foot still feels uncomfortable, and still stiff when I wake up.

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Starting over (Week 3)

Post by CSta »

Sunday (6/14/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post)) (still stiffness on left lower back)
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): 15/1X20 (getting easier)
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20 (getting easier)
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20
g. back extensions on floor (arms at side, holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

still significant cramping in my left foot
left lower back is still a little stiff at beginning of workout, but ok at the end, as usual;
the sole of my right foot still feels uncomfortable, and still stiff when I wake up.
MAT appointment tonight.

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Re: CSta's workout log

Post by CSta »

Saw the MAT therapist last night. Informed him of my stiff back, left foot cramping, and right foot soreness issues. Additional weaknesses were discovered in my left back. They were treated and, despite the discomfort, they tested strong thereafter. The back isometric exercises have been modified. I'm to do only one isometric for left side (as opposed to three). Laying on floor with left side near a wall and feet touching the wall, I'm to scoot my hips out from the wall as far as I can without feeling discomfort and to perform the isometric (pressing against wall with feet) at that point.

Additional weaknesses were found in my right arm/shoulder. They were treated but we both agreed there's more work to do there. The therapist instructed me to perform only 12 reps of the right arm bicep curls without changing the weight (15lbs.) I have been performing 20 reps.

Right foot was treated and tested strong thereafter. The discomfort subsided, but it feels sore still today. The MAT therapist wondered aloud if the foot and the lower left back issues were related.

Over the last three weeks, I had failed to follow the therapists instructions correctly. I am to do the homework exercises each day, but on workout days I do them as part of the workout. I had been doing the homework exercises only on days when I worked out. This failure probably contributed to my current issues.

Overall, the therapist did not seem too concerned about the lower back and right foot. I'm to see him again in three weeks. I'm a little frustrated to have new discomforts. The pain by my lower vertebrae, however, is all but gone, and that's a relief.

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Starting over (Week 3 cont.)

Post by CSta »

Tuesday (6/16/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Two very light isometric exercises for my back and side (laying on back, parallel to wall, pressing feet against the wall)
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20
g. back extensions on floor (arms at side, holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

right foot feels slightly better; left foot not cramping as much

Thomas Kurz
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Re: Starting over (Week 3 cont.)

Post by Thomas Kurz »

CSta wrote:left foot not cramping as much
In your situation, some muscles cramp when other muscles, those that should work together with the cramping ones, don't work correctly. This means that when you do get a cramp, you need to take a corrective action (ask the MAT specialist, what action). Otherwise you may be making things worse.
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

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Re: CSta's workout log

Post by CSta »

Thanks. To clarify, the foot does not cramp when I am exercising. It cramps only when I perform one of my homework exercises, which I have not stated in my list of exercises. I lay on my stomach, arms at side, left leg bent at knee to 90 degrees. From there I am to point and turn my foot to the point just before it starts to cramp and to hold it there for 6 seconds. I'm also to curl my toes. 6 reps each direction (left and right). It takes very little pointing/turning/curling for the foot to start cramping. I understand that, even though the foot does not cramp during exercise, there's still something wrong with it. The answer probably lies in the left calf, on which the MAT therapist and I know we have more work to do.

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Starting over (Week 3 cont.)

Post by CSta »

Thursday (6/18/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Two very light isometric exercises for my back and side (laying on back, parallel to wall, pressing feet against the wall)
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20
g. back extensions on floor (arms at side, holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

Right foot: soreness in the arch has subsided significantly. The heal still hurts, however, but not as much as a few days ago. Stiffness upon waking has reduced as well.
Left foot cramping: was much improved last night, but I have no explanation as to why. I was able to full point, and turn my foot in both directions. I did not curl my toes all the way, though, to play it safe.
My back stiffness on lower left side, which reveals itself in the warm-up back isometrics, appears to have subsided. I have a feeling I was arching my back slightly while doing the back isometrics. If I do not arch my back, I feel no discomfort or stiffness.

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Starting over (Week 4)

Post by CSta »

Skipped worked scheduled for Sunday (6/21/09)

Tuesday (6/23/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post)) (returned to doing all 4 isometrics because back is no longer feeling funny)
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: forgot to do this.
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20
g. back extensions on floor (arms at side, holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

In general, exercises are getting easier. Left foot did well during its isometric exercise, relatively little cramping; sole of right foot still hurts, like a 3 out of 10.

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Starting over (Week 4 cont.)

Post by CSta »

Thursday (6/25/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post)) (returned to doing all 4 isometrics because back is no longer feeling funny)
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20
g. back extensions on floor (arms at side, holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

Bottom of right foot still problematic, and discomfort is creeping up into the Achilles. Going to cut out the heal lifts for the right foot. The middle of my left hamstring feels a little weird in one very small spot. It feels like a sore muscle combined with a sting. It feel it only when the hamstring is stretched. Pushing the spot does not cause any discomfort, though. I feel no discomfort when I perform the hamstring curl or the isometrics for the left leg.

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Starting over (Week 5)

Post by CSta »

Sunday (6/28/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post))
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20 (getting easier)
g. back extensions on floor (holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20 (raises hands to shoulder level)
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

Bottom of right foot improving; no longer feeling ache in Achilles. Been performing the left foot/calf isometric; it's helped. Whatever was feeling funny in the left hamstring has gone.

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Starting over (Week 5 cont)

Post by CSta »

Tuesday (6/30/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post))
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 15/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20 (left foot only; giving right foot a break due to unresolved problems)
g. back extensions on floor (holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20 (back of hands placed on forehead)
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

Laying off the heal raises for right foot. Going to wait until discomfort is completely gone.

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Starting over (Week 5 cont.)

Post by CSta »

Thursday (7/2/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post))
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 20/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 10/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 10/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 8/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20 (left foot only; giving right foot a break due to unresolved problems)
g. back extensions on floor (holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20 (back of hands placed on forehead)
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X20

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

Going to increase weight.

Posts: 329
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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Starting over (Week 6)

Post by CSta »

Sunday (7/5/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post))
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 15/1X20; right arm: 15/1X12 (forgot to increase weight)
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 25/1X20 (increase of 5lbs)
c. leg extension (quad): 20/1X20 (increase of 5 lbs)
d. hamstring curl: 12.5/1X20 (increase of 2.5 lbs)
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 9/1X20 (increase of 1 lb)
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20 (left foot only; giving right foot a break due to unresolved problems)
g. back extensions on floor (holding up position for 2 seconds): 1X20 (back of hands placed on forehead)
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X25 (increase of 5 reps)

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

Weight increases felt appropriate. Seeing MAT therapist tonight.

Posts: 329
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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Re: CSta's workout log

Post by CSta »

Saw the MAT therapist last night. Mentioned dull pain in left side just above the hip (been there for about a week; haven't discussed in my workout posts) and soreness/stiffness in sole of right foot. Weaknesses were discovered in my thoracic spine; they were treated and tested strong thereafter. The MAT specialist changed my back extension exercise. I'm to do six repetitions holding the up position for six seconds. Eventually, I will increase the number of repetitions. Due to additional weaknesses discovered and discomfort, next appointment has been scheduled sooner than it would have been otherwise.

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Starting over (week 6 cont)

Post by CSta »

Tuesday (7/7/09):

1. Warm-up:
a. Four very light isometric exercises for my back and side (see June 1 post))
b. Three very light isometric exercises for my left calf
c. Very light isometric exercise (combined with a light dynamic exercise) for my right arm/shoulder
d. elastic band exercise for right foot (foot is flat on floor; I turn it counterclockwise; 20 reps, very light)
e. exercise described in June 18 post.

2. Main workout (all extremity exercises done one limb at a time; the weaker side (left) determines the weight and reps):
a. bicep curl (free weight): Left arm: 20/1X20 (increase of 5 lbs; tough at end but still with good form; right arm: 15/1X20 (will discuss with MAT specialist what to do about right arm)
b. tricep exercise (with elbow at my side, I pull down on a handle): 25/1X20
c. leg extension (quad): 20/1X20
d. hamstring curl: 12.5/1X20
e. ankle dorsiflexion: 9/1X20
f. heel lift: used the seated heel lift machine; 1X20 (left foot only; giving right foot a break due to unresolved problems)
g. back extensions on floor (holding up position for 6 seconds): 1X6 (arms at side)(see comment below)
h. crunches (arms extended over head rather than placed behind head (more difficult), eyes focused on ceiling; hold up position for 2 seconds): 1X25

3. Cool down: same as warm-up.

Back extension changed due to weaknesses discovered in thoracic spine. Discomfort just above left hip has subsided. Right foot still an issue.

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