Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post questions and tips on making your stretches or your whole flexibility training most effective.
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Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by Cyan »

Hi there,

I haven't posted here in a while, but I need this question answered if possible. I've been doing XMA for almost 4 years now, but sadly enough my flexibility is mediocre (Relaxed & Dynamic). I would like to achieve a full range of motion in my hips and legs, including full front and side splits as well as maximum dynamic flexibility for all the kicks, tricks, flips, etc. My flexibility is so-so at the moment, but I'd like to know roughly how long do you think it will take to acheve the above?

P.S. - I'd also like to increase my jump height dramatically. Can I do this at the same time as developing flexibility or would doing both at the same time hinder progress? If not, how should I go about doing so?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by CSta »

There's no simple answer to your first question--how long will it take to achieve the front and side splits. The length of that period depends on your current level of flexibility, your current level of fitness, the effectiveness of your workout plan to achieve the splits, how quickly your body responds to your training methods, and other factors. From reading your other posts, it looks like you've had achieving the splits on your mind since Feb. of 2006. If you've been training to achieve the splits for over 2.5 years are still far from achieving the splits, you should probably reconsider your training methods. If you'd like comments on them, post your workouts in the "Exercise Routines" section.

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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by Cyan »

Well, I just started training back up a month ago (was off for 8 months due to an injury) and am in the process of getting my cardio and flexibility back to where it was (which was decent, but nowhere near where I'd like to have it). I haven't gone through a continuous or well-designed program to develop the type of flexibility I want. My only Flexibility training consists of the 10-20 minutes of it I do during class, which includes relaxed and dynamic stretches mostly (sometimes PNF, but rarely). Other than that, nothing else is really done.

Suggestions would be great as I need to reach that elite level of flexibility for my training, once and for all. A well-designed routine that I can /should follow faithfully is most likely what I need.


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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by CSta »

The easiest thing to do is purchase the Secrets of Stretching DVD and, because you do XMA, complement it with the progression outlined in Article 19 (main page, click on Columns). You'll have to figure out the number of workouts per week, sets of exercises, reps, and weight, according to how your body responds. I'm in the early stages of conditioning and currently do strength exercises twice a week. I do just one set of each exercise (except for abs and back), but I do a fair number of reps, and I gradually increase their number from week to week (like 3 to 5 reps per week). Every third week, I relax a bit to let my mind and body recover. Eventually, I will add weights and reduce my repetitions and perhaps increase my sets.

Like I said before, I recommend posting your workouts here. I'm sure if something's not right, someone will speak up.

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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by Cyan »

This routine is the only Flexibility training I do currently (which I know is NOWHERE near what I should be doing):

<Relaxed Stretches>

-Seated Calf Stretch (both legs individually and then both together) > 30-45 seconds each
-Straddle (stretching down middle and switching to each side) > 30-45 seconds each side
-Forward Lunge (both legs) > 30-45 seconds each leg
-Foward Lunge elbows on ground (both legs) > 30-45 seconds each leg
-Front Splits (both legs) > 30-45 seconds each legs
-Side Splits > 30-45 seconds
-Butterfly (knees to ground, hands far out infront) > 30-45 seconds
-Cat Stretch (laying on stomach stretching up with armspushing you upward, stretches abs) > 30-45 seconds
-Quad Stretch (1 leg straight out infront, other tucked behind and leaning back, both legs) < 30-45 seconds each leg

The rest include stretches for arms, neck, and torso.

<Dynamic Stretches> All 10-20 reps each exercise

-Front Leg Stretch (both legs)
-Side Leg Stretch (both legs)
-Back Leg Stretch (both legs)
-Outside and Inside Crescent kicks
-Arm Swings
-Torso Twists

This is basically everything I do that involves stretching of any kind. I own the newest edition of the book Stretching Scientifically, but the information is scattered throughout so it's a bit troublesome to get everything I need in one place.


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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by CSta »

What about your lower-body strength training? Remember, to improve your flexibility you've got to strengthen your muscles in their stretched position. Cardiovascular work and dynamic and static relaxed stretching probably aren't going to be enough. That's why I recommend the Secrets of Stretching DVD--it is a strength training video specifically for improving flexibility.

Also, you might want to consider extending the time you spend performing the relaxed stretches directly related to the front and side splits (those for the hamstrings and adductors) and abandoning the others (neck, torso, arms) for the time being.

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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by Cyan »

I know that in order to achieve great flexibility, you need great strength as well. What strength exercises do you suggest? Weighted Barbell squats, passed parallel is what I was planning to do, but tonnage and sets/reps I have no clue. I have a standard barbell with 100 lbs in plates to use.

As for my stretching routine, this is a normal routine during class, so I do all of it regardless if I want to or not because it's part of class and I have to follow it. Other than that, I don't do any other flexibility training. Strength wise, we do body weight exercises mostly, including squats, lunges, calf raises and various other exercises.


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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by CSta »

If you're not willing to buy the Secrets of Stretching DVD, then I would follow the progression in Article 19. Also, you should read the articles describing more fully the exercises referenced in Article 19. Also, read Articles 18, 29, 35, and 42.

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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by Cyan »

If I already have the book that's supposed to contain all I need to know, I shouldn't need to buy a DVD for it as well. Anyway, I'll give those articles a read and also, should vertical jump or flexibility development be done first? Would developing both at the same time conflict with each other?


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Re: Developing Max Flexibility - Rough Timeframe?

Post by CSta »

The DVD is different from the book. The DVD has workouts; the book does not. On your second question, I don't believe the two are incompatible.

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