Hip Structure

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Joined: Sep 30, 2007 14:15

Hip Structure

Post by taekwondo321 »


I bought the Secrets of Stretching DVD and it shows two tests to do, to see if you can work towards the splits. I can do the Side Split test with no problem and can get each leg up on the chair at a 90 degree angle to my body.

However, on the front split test, I can only get my legs in a straight line in the deep lunge, with my left leg in front.

When I try the lunge test with my right leg in front, I cannot get my thighs in a straight line. In fact it is way off. Instead of 180 degrees between legs, it is more like 135 degrees. Does this mean that I will NOT EVER be able to do the front splits, with my right leg in front, due to the structure of my hips and ligaments???


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Joined: Sep 07, 2006 03:45

Post by Tim... »


When I first did the front split test I was not able to get a 180 line. Now I can. If you work at it you will be able to stretch your hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors more than enough to get a front split. It's just going to take longer on your tight side.

Keep the faith.


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