Your photo shows that you do not stretch the way I show in my book
and on my video. Your position is wrong for either the isometric or
relaxed stretch for the side split. Use the position I show in the
book Stretching Scientifically or on the DVD Secrets of Stretching
and your problem of one leg tensing more than the other and of
uneven ankle rotation will be solved.
My question is, what is wrong with his position. The legs position look similar to the DVD and book... I realize he is not fully putting his weight on the stretch (ie isometric) or leaning fully forward to take the weight off the stretch (static stretching), but what exactly is wrong with his position?
I've seen the picture and it seems to me that right leg is in different position than left. Something is not right but I can't explain it. I'm sorry I can't help.
I agree with Kurz that this is not the right position.
sorry, I have already deleted the email... does anyone have a link to the pic? I remember that to get to the pic, I had to go through several menus to get to it, but i don't remember having to 'login'.
The reason why it's not suitable for relaxed stretching is obvious-He's still supporting his weight on his legs making it impossible for the muscles to relax.
Isometric stretching-One leg does look in a different position to the other,one ankle looks rotated more than the other,and it may just be the photo but it looks like he's just leaninig slightly forwards as opposed to actually tilting the pelvis.When i look at the photo it looks quite uncomfortable and gives the impression that his hips/thigh bones are stopping him doing the splits,not his level of flexibility.
PT- Pavel Tsatsouline. First you concentrate on road-kill split and afterwards progress to normal side split. For example, I do the road-kill split first and then raise up my body and push the hips forward. It seems to work for me.
I do only roadkill split and its quite easy to lover my self into split within 2. or 3. attempt.
I didn't start yet with "normal side split", because its really no big difference, the only thing for the roadkill split is you have to lie down with your face in the dirt if you do it outside.
I would also advise you to first achieve roadkill split and than progress to "upright".