Hello, I just want to comment GTG strenght practise.
I started less than 2 month ago. Currently I'm using it only for practising horse stance and results are great. Yesterday I tested myself and I held the horse stance position 4 minutes so that's my new personal record. Before I struggled with 2 minutes and yesterday I just couldn't believe. It was so easy.
The best thing about GTG is that there's no routine - so I have a lot more time for other things.
Dragon - did you start with GTG practise? I remember you have mentioned once you have to try it again.
GTG for strenght
GTG is grease the groove.
It's a training technique Pavel Tsatsouline refers to quite a lot in his material.
It's basically performing a given exercise constantly throughout the day at a comfortable rep range.
For example,if your max push ups were 60 reps you would perform 20 reps every hour to "grease the groove" of the exercise.
Due to the fact that you are constantly performing the exercise your body will be more tolerant to doing more.
Steve Maxwell(BJJ competetitor) said his young son was able to do an amzing amount of chin ups when tested at school due to the fact that to get up to/climb down from his bedroom he climbs a rope(i assume it's an attic room).Because he's done this everyday it's normal to him and his strength just grew.
It's a training technique Pavel Tsatsouline refers to quite a lot in his material.
It's basically performing a given exercise constantly throughout the day at a comfortable rep range.
For example,if your max push ups were 60 reps you would perform 20 reps every hour to "grease the groove" of the exercise.
Due to the fact that you are constantly performing the exercise your body will be more tolerant to doing more.
Steve Maxwell(BJJ competetitor) said his young son was able to do an amzing amount of chin ups when tested at school due to the fact that to get up to/climb down from his bedroom he climbs a rope(i assume it's an attic room).Because he's done this everyday it's normal to him and his strength just grew.