falling backwards from floor split
falling backwards from floor split
When I sit on the floor and open my legs to the side, I find it very very difficult to keep my upper torso from falling backwards (I use a wall to prop myself). Why is it easier for some to be able to reach forward and touch the floor from this position while I continue to fall backwards? What can I do about this?
Falling backwards from a seated position sounds quite unusual to me.
I've seen people falling backwards when trying to execute a toes up side split due to not enough rotation of the thighs but never from a seated side split.
Sometimes people can "slump" forwards when performing this type of split and the reason is usually weak lower back muscles.Maybe this is also the case for you falling backwards.
I've seen people falling backwards when trying to execute a toes up side split due to not enough rotation of the thighs but never from a seated side split.
Sometimes people can "slump" forwards when performing this type of split and the reason is usually weak lower back muscles.Maybe this is also the case for you falling backwards.