Poor ROM for Good mornings and deadlifts.

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Poor ROM for Good mornings and deadlifts.

Post by Chingo »

Alright there! I'v been reading the posts for a while now so i know you guys can help me. My strength workouts are going okay and my ab work has improved but im struggling to move on due to my lack of lower back strength.
I started strengthening and stretching my hamstrings with leg curls because the've always been short and that was slowly improving with no fatigue, I hav'nt a bench for back extensions so after doing them on the floor for a while i moved on to good mornings, my back copes fine with this and could improve but my hamstrings get sore even with very light weights, the deadlift gives me the same problem, i think its due to to the hams being weak in a stretched position? in both exercises my ROM isnt great and i know you need that before strength, Iv only tried these excersises 4 or 5 times, will i get used to it with more time or should i maybe do front lunges or somethin that works them less in a stretched position?

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Post by dragon »

How far are you trying to reach when performing the good morning/SLDL?
1)I've never seen a reason for your upper body to go below parallel.This builds adequate strength/flexibility for your hamstrings.
2)Don't concentrate on leaning forwards/bending over.Instead,visualize folding at the hips and sticking your butt back.This will keep the weight more in line with your feet(although obviously not perfectly over your feet) which will place less stress on your back.
3)If you really feel weakness don't perform the good morning,opt for the Stiff leg deadlift instead.It's easier to dump the weight if you get in trouble.
4)Even though it's called the SLDL your legs aren't actually stiff and locked.There should be a bend in your knees.
5)The SLDL is easier to gauge your improvement in flexibility as you can start with the barbell on sturdy blocks/power rack pins placed at a height that's comfortable(perhaps just above the knees).As your strength/flexibility grows you can start to lower the height of the support.
6)The height that is "comfortable" means you can bend over to grip the bar without your back rounding.

Hope some of this is helpful,


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Message for Dragon on deadlifts

Post by Chingo »

I go as far as to reach the bar, but that usually means i have to bend my knees a lot and my back loses its straightness, it feels straight but when i tried it side on to a mirror it wasnt. I will try it your way to keep my back straight. Id read some advise you gave someone else about using less ROM but i was worried my strength would improve but my ROM would stay the same, i think part of the trouble is my back muscles being a bit tight aswell. a friend of mine increased his ROM by reaching down to touch his toes (NOT BOUNCING) and holding it for a few seconds each time and iv been doing the same, it has also gave me improvement but the back seems to naturaly bow in this stretch giving me no more ROM for the deadlifts. If you have any advise for stretching hams i would be gratefull as i think im not strong enough for isometrics yet. I do dynamic and relaxed but not often enough because of the soreness in the hams.
Yesterday i dropped the weight slightly and im not really sore, the reason for the advise was because i didnt want to drop any more weight from the bar as it's a stupidly light anyway im comparison to double my bodyweight.
Thanks for the help.

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Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »

If you're keeping your back as flat as possible during the SLDL,back flexibility doesn't come into it.I definatley don't recommend trying to become more flexible in your back to compensate for tight hamstrings.
I would start with the bar in a higher starting position as i reccommended and maybe get resources to compare your form.
The best technique books/DVD's are powerlifting not bodybuilding.I've seen some dangerous things being done in bodybuilding magazines.
Don't be concerned with no improvement in your ROM from this exercise,that isn't what it's for.THe SLDL and good morning are exercises to build strength through a full ROM(your present ROM) not to increase it.


Posts: 25
Joined: Jan 23, 2006 09:21
Location: England

Post by Chingo »

Thanks Dragon, I'll do them how you've said.

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