Reviews on

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Reviews on

Post by mmeloon »


I was at yesterday looking around and decided to check out the reviews of Science of Sports Training. I was actually considering writing a review for a different 'scientific training' book when I became curious what the reviews for Kurz' great book were. I was stunned to see that most of the reviews there were very negative. And they were poorly done reviews as well. In at least one case the reviewer seems to have some personal problem with Kurz. So I decided to write my own review for SoST right there and then.

I would encourage others in this forum to go to and write a review of SoST and perhaps some other stadion books to help future book purchasers get a better understanding and appreciation of the stadion books. Certainly my review isn't the greatest review of all time but I think it gives a more balanced and detailed description of SoST that some of the other reviews listed.

Plus, I have to admit that I was a little irked that the "Kurz is an unprofessional jerk" review was the first one listed. That one shouldn't even have been accepted by amazon for posting since he isn't really even reviewing the book. So let's try to get the word out about stadion's great products!


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Post by Haakon_Myrseth »

I'm in, I'll write a review. Those people doesn't know what they're talking about.

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Post by UKfightfreak »

to be honest the people that wrote the reviews just probably didn't understand the book.

People hate it when they are told a different way to approach things, I get it all the time - I've been told in gyms and MA clubs I stretch incorrectly but they never quite no what to say when I can acheive a better split, can kick higher and harder and don't get injured.

But don't worry I will write a review as it is a great book!

If you always done what you always did, you will always get what you always got.

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Post by ucrhai007 »

I saw how ignorant those people were. I just wrote a review in hopes to educate the ignorant. Check out hvo003.

Posts: 193
Joined: Dec 12, 2003 19:36
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Post by mmeloon »

I have written reviews of two other Stadion products at Feel free to write your own review, comment on mine, or simply vote whether you found my reviews useful or not:

Power High Kicks With No Warm Up

Secrets of Stretching DVD



Book Review

Post by paul-scotland-uk »

Hi mmeloon,

I totally agree. I went to to read the reviews on "Stretching Scientifically", expecting everyone who bought the book to give it full praise, but was astounded to find so many negative comments.

I posted my own review under P.Kilgour - Livingston,Scotland and didn't really hold back my thoughts on their negative reviews either !!

Some people seem to think that these books are like novels that you just read like a story when infact they are to be studied carefully.

As soon as I have read through Science Of Sports Training, I will gladly put a review forward for that too.


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