Arthritic Facet Joint

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Dave Drohan
Posts: 2
Joined: Dec 13, 2003 13:21
Location: Canada

Arthritic Facet Joint

Post by Dave Drohan »

I have an arthritic facet joint at L5 dtermined by a bone scan and symptoms. Responded to cortezone injection under fluroscopy two years ago. Pain and symptoms have returned.

Am looking for advice on things to avoid and things to assist.

Am a black belt in WTF Taekwondo, use chiropractic, follow the training regimine that Mr Kurz has detailed on his videos and books (have purchased all of them) and occaisionally work out with Mr Mierzejewski (from Power High Kicks video) here in Edmonton, Alberta.

Specifically wondering if running, squats or leg press exacerabate my problem. Don't fully inderstand the mechanics of the facet joint and how it might be affected by these and other exercises.



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