I can easily reach 15-20 cm off the ground in the side split position in the first set with very little warm up (relaxed stretch). I'm pretty comfortable in this ROM and shift weight from my hips to my hands.
My question is can I apply isometric contractions in this comfortable position (I reach this position with relaxed stretch, shifting weight, then isometric tensions?) Is this safe, what do you think?
question about side split
Thanks for your quick reply, so should I have my legs straight (knees losked), or bent? When I get down my toes are pointing up (when I have weight at my hips) and legs are completely straight (knees locked) then when I lean forward my toes are pointing forward and my legs are still straight. So when I will apply isometric tensions in this position should I keep my legs comletely straight?
Keep your feet pointing forwards when you push the weight back over your hips.There's no need to push so far back that you are almost achieving a seated groin stretch.
Keeping your legs straight,leaning forwards,and applying isometric tension is one way of achieving the splits(it's the way i did it).The recommended way now for martial artists is the "horse stance" isometric stretch.
Keeping your legs straight,leaning forwards,and applying isometric tension is one way of achieving the splits(it's the way i did it).The recommended way now for martial artists is the "horse stance" isometric stretch.