Hello, I'm new here so I should introduce myself: my discipline is kickboxing, I heard about Kurz 1 year ago, and I've been doing some exercises since (I ordered his book).I've allmost reached front splits 2 months ago, but I had to stop with my training (just got the job).
Now I started to train again, I'm doing some adductor flys, front lunges, jumping front lunges, horse stance. Currently I'm about 10 cm off the floor in the relaxed side split, my front splits is about 15 cm off the floor.
Does anyone here have experience with jumping front lunges? (Mat Furey said its great exercise for developing strenght and flexibility). I'm doing 5 sets of 20 reps and i can feel it for a few days.
(I apollogize for my bad english)
jumping front lunges
Don't know if it's the same thing you're refering to but i sometimes perform switch lunges-assume a front lunge position,jump in the air and switch legs so the other leg is now forwards when you land.
I do find them beneficial but would advise people to build on a good strength routine first though.The back leg is stretched when you land so the risk of injury is greater than with some other plyometric jumps.
I do find them beneficial but would advise people to build on a good strength routine first though.The back leg is stretched when you land so the risk of injury is greater than with some other plyometric jumps.
Yes, its basicly the same, the only diference is that I start from a standing position (legs shoulder width) and than jump into the lunge. I think your version is even harder, because you have to push yourself up more.
So, what do you think, is it better to do more sets or more reps (fewer sets) of this exercise?
So, what do you think, is it better to do more sets or more reps (fewer sets) of this exercise?
I guess this depends what you are focusing on when you perform this drill.
For example,Pavel performs this jumping lunge as a dynamic flexibility exercise.
It could be performed as a dynamic strength exercise or strength-endurance exercise.
Personally,to get the best out of it as a strength drill,i perform multiple sets of no more than 5 reps each leg.
This prevents fatigue setting in and flawing the execution(which could lead to injury).
For example,Pavel performs this jumping lunge as a dynamic flexibility exercise.
It could be performed as a dynamic strength exercise or strength-endurance exercise.
Personally,to get the best out of it as a strength drill,i perform multiple sets of no more than 5 reps each leg.
This prevents fatigue setting in and flawing the execution(which could lead to injury).
Thanks Dragon, you've been very helpfull, so more sets and fewer reps for strenght.
I've been reading your posts for quite sometime now and I must say that I learned a lot from you (and others of course).
You've been my main source of informations lately, because I still haven't got the book from Kurz, that I've ordered a few weeks ago (I live in south Europe - Slovenia), so I look forward for your posts in the future.
I've been reading your posts for quite sometime now and I must say that I learned a lot from you (and others of course).
You've been my main source of informations lately, because I still haven't got the book from Kurz, that I've ordered a few weeks ago (I live in south Europe - Slovenia), so I look forward for your posts in the future.
I'm back with another question about jumping lunges. Today I did more sets and fewer reps (6 sets 10 reps-5 each leg) like you've sugested Dragon and it feels good. So my question is how can I make this exercise more difficult with time as I gain more strenght. Should I do more sets, decrease time of rest between sets, hold some dumbells in my hands (light weights),.....? What do you think? What do you do for example?