Does strength-endurance exercises are goodfor ligaments?

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Location: Romania, Oltenita

Does strength-endurance exercises are goodfor ligaments?

Post by CrazyBoy »

Hello! I have a question or a health problem if you will. Due to a certain body-building exercise for the triceps (extension with the dumbbell) my elbow joint hurts. I read domewhere (I can't recall where) that natural strength -endurance exercises without weights have beneficial effects on ligaments. Is this true? For example, will long sets of push-ups fix my problem?

Posts: 734
Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »

High rep exercises do strengthen ligaments but i think the best course of action would be to drop any exercise that causes any kind of pain.Even if it didn't cause pain it's only an isolation exercise that isn't really needed.


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Joined: May 16, 2005 15:09
Location: Romania, Oltenita

Post by CrazyBoy »

Ok! I understand! But what should I do instead of extension for the triceps?

Posts: 734
Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »

Depends on whether you are building the triceps for appearance or functional strength.
Either way,exercises like one arm tricep extensions,cross-body extensions,kickbacks,etc are advanced isolation exercises that won't be to productive unless you already have a solid foundation of muscle to start with.
I don't do any direct work for my triceps anymore.The "only" work they get is from heavy bench presses and shoulder presses.If you do want to emphasise the triceps more,you could bench with a narrower grip(but not too narrow).


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