beginner question about isometric exercises

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beginner question about isometric exercises

Post by seba368 »

ok, I've read the book and watched the VHS video.
and I am a little confused about the type of isometrics I should be doing.

I understand that I should be doing isometrics(or that this is OK) about 3-4 times a week after martial arts workout.

What I don't understand is this:
In the book Mr. Kurz is presenting us with about three types of isometric exercises for splits (side full splits)
Now, I don't exactly remember all of them right at this minute, however the question is which one? and how?
Should I start stretching in the five step horse stance and stretch as far as a I can then tense a muscles and hold it for 30 sec.? and then go further apart and hold it again for 20-30 sec. and continue this.....?? for how long? how many times?
And then how many sets of this?

In other words can someone clarify this for me?

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Post by Pu-key »

Ive just started isometrics, but i don't do them after martial arts practice.
My muscles always get sore after doin the horse stance stretch for the side split, but after a minute there back to normal. Can you help me with this?

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Post by wynnema »

if you actually watched the video and listened you would know that you can choose the isomteric stretch technique that you prefer. all should render the same results.

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Post by dragon »

The method i think most use is to stretch to almost maximum,tense for 5 secs,relax,move your legs apart a bit further.Keep repeating until you can go no further,hold this last tension for about 30 secs.
Perform 2-3 sets.You may want to take it easier(not going to complete maximum) for the first set.This would act as a kind of warm up.


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Post by michele29 »

Is the stance with hips below knees??? :(

Thomas Kurz
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beginner question about isometric exercises

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

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