blood vessel in Knee

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Posts: 18
Joined: Jun 24, 2005 18:11

blood vessel in Knee

Post by Amit12 »

I`ve hurt my R knee and I`ve posted all of it in another post.
But the one thing about my legs which is absolutely freaking me out is this:

Theres this blood vessel in my R leg(the problem leg) knee area.
I can feel that in the bottom sqt position.
But theres nothing in my left.
This is really scaring me...

All of you plz sqt downbody-wt) and move your hands around your knee area and check out whether you can feel a blood vessel over there.

Is it natural?
If not-whats causing this?

Posts: 734
Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »

If it's scaring you get it checked out.If it's always on your mind you're always going to hold back on your training for fear of injury.

I read your 1st post.No-one on a forum can answer those questions for you.You need to see a good sports doctor in person.

To the blood vessel:-What do you mean you can feel it?Yuo can feel a throbbing sensation or an actual bump?
I squatted down and felt around-when i held the position i could feel the blood pumping(throbbing) but it wasn't that intense.
If you can feel a the vein that depends how vacular you are or it could be a varicose vein.

Bottom line-get it checked out.Even if it's only for piece of mind.


Posts: 18
Joined: Jun 24, 2005 18:11

Post by Amit12 »

About the blood vessel:
Not any throbbing or anything. It doesnt even hurt me in that area of the knee.

No throbbing sensation either.
Its like -can you feel the blood vessels in your wrist area?
Same thing.

The reason its scaring me is because I think that during my sqt sessions when my knees used to shake- maybe a vessel go pushed from the inside and got displaced in the front part of the leg.

However you say that you can feel something in your leg too...
so maybe its nothing for me..
just something in my mind...
My appointment with my Physio is on this saturday/sunday...
Last week she had to cancel it...lets hope she can meet me tomorrow...

Posts: 734
Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »

If i run my finger over my wrist the only thing i can feel are my tendons.
The veins do stand out but they aren't that noticable to the touch.

I would be interested to know what the physio diagnoses it as.


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