Question about adductor flys

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Joined: May 08, 2005 08:20

Question about adductor flys

Post by JohnyZ »

Well I've been doing adductor flys for a long time. I've added weight twice, and I managed to reach one hundreed reps each time. Mr.Kurz in his book and video states that after doing one hundreed reps for 4 weeks one should add more weight and do 2-3 series of 30 reps. I'm not sure if I understood this properly. I am asking for information on adductor flies. Could anybody tell me how many adductor flies I should do and how long, to be ready for isometric stretching?

Posts: 7
Joined: May 08, 2005 08:20


Post by JohnyZ »

And what about the speed of movements. Should I do this exercise slow, or fast? Maybe stretch a bit, and then slowly raise my legs?

Posts: 734
Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »

Haven't got the book in front of me at the moment but i thought it said in Stretching Scientifically that dynamic strength exercises can be performed in 2-3 sets of 30 reps or 1 set of 100-200 reps.

I think it's whatever you feel comfortable with.You could add weight and perform 2-3 sets and decrease the rest period between sets each workout until you can perform 100 reps without stopping.This can be done each time you increase the weight.

As for speed:-i would say neither fast or slow,just a comfortable speed trying to achieve maximum range of motion.


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