Hamstring Pain after kicking/dynamic stretches/sprinting

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Hamstring Pain after kicking/dynamic stretches/sprinting

Post by ZeroAkarui »

Ok. I've been going to kung fu for about 4 years. And up until about a year ago, I never had this problem. After doing kicks at kung fu (even not going to maximal range of motion), after even doing dynamic stretches (front leg extensions), or after playing a sport wear I sprint a lot, I get pain in my hamstrings the next day. If I try to stretch it, it hurts. Anybody have any idea what the problem is and/or how to fix it?
My guess is that since I have been working out and put on my weight, my hamstrings aren't strong enough in comparision to my legs weight now as before. It's the same pain I'd get if I did a lot of intense hamstring stuff on a leg curl machine. Thanks.

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Post by dragon »

Depending on how much training you are actually doing you might be over training.If your hamstrings are still fatigued from a previous workout you are going to be more prone to injury.

You say it hurts when you try and stretch it.Are you refering to relaxed stretches(which can help to relieve tension if your hamstrings cramp) or are you trying dynamic/isometric stretches?

If it hurts doing any kind of stretch i'd think it's injured.If it only hurts during explosive movements then it may be a sign of weakness in that area.

The best thing to do if you have any doubts is visit a good sports doctor.


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Post by mmeloon »

dragon wrote:
The best thing to do if you have any doubts is visit a good sports doctor.

This cannot be emphasized enough and I would go further to eliminate the "if you have any doubts" part. You do not want to keep working a hamstring injury. Take it from me, someone who did and has paid for it. I injured my hamstring in a silly backyard football game last June. Guess what? Even with getting lots of treatment, my hamstring is still not back to 100% nearly a year later. Hamstrings are very tricky injuries. You really need to get it looked at. Yes, it's an inconvenence to go to the doctor even though it doesn't hurt so much that you need to stop exercising. But you could be continuing to do damage to it everytime you work out. Damage means scar tissue and you want to minimize that as much as possible. A good doctor (and following his recommendations!) will save you a lot of heartache in the long run.


Posts: 3
Joined: Apr 11, 2005 22:24

Post by ZeroAkarui »

thanks, off to the doctor it is i guess.

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