What's Special About Stadion?

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What's Special About Stadion?

Post by mmeloon »

I was reading Mr. Kurz's latest email newsletter and was struck by the response he gives to someone asking for pre-constructed workout routines:
No, no cookie cutter approach in my books or videos. Different people
even in the same sports exercise differently because they have different
strengths and weaknesses, and think about how training can change in
different seasons/periods! Anything other than just guidelines and
examples would be stupid because you must adjust your workouts to your
body's reactions--to what you feel before, during, and after your
exercises. The DVD “Secrets of Stretching” shows arrangements of
exercises or routines for various levels of fitness. These exercise
routines are to be adjusted to what you feel, for example, exercises
skipped if some muscles are too tired. Info on planning your weekly
workout schedule is also on this video
I agree wholeheartedly and I think this quote illustrates one of the fundamental differences between the advice provided by Stadion Publishing (and Mr. Kurz specifically) and that provided by other sources of training information. As I wrote in my review of Science of Sports Training at amazon.com, I think it is very important that one gets general guidelines on developing their own workout routine rather than some pre-canned prescription. While this can be frustrating for some, it is for the best in the long run. I think a lot of other publishers feel like they have to cater to those who demand a "by the numbers" approach. I appreciate Stadion's sticking to sound principles.

What are some other special features about Stadion that members here appreciate? Surely there are lots of places you can find training information. Why do you keep coming back to Stadion?


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Joined: Dec 13, 2003 18:28
Location: Bergen, Norway

Post by Haakon_Myrseth »

i wouldn't mind a cookie butter approach :P

Thomas Kurz
Site Admin
Posts: 443
Joined: Dec 03, 2003 08:04

What's Special About Stadion?

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Perhaps you mean butter cookie? I like a butter cookie with my tea, too.

But seriously, trying to copy others' number of sets and reps, and even the selections of exercises is not a good idea. It will either overwork you or keep you performing well below your potential. The cookie-cutter approach works for unfit people, and only with very easy exercises, as means of getting them to do “something.” As soon as exercises intensify and the goals are other than obtaining a minimum of fitness, the training has to become individualized, hence the need for athlete to be educated.
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

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