For those who might be following my knee injury posts:
I visited this Physio on staurday.
First of all I`m happy to be visiting this one-
I`m not saying that shes a big expert-but at least shes Pro-wt training..(unlike my
family Doc and a few others i`ve met)
Before it was my turn I overheard her talking to a middle/old aged woman about the
benefits of wts...
From what I could gather the client wanted to lose wt and was reluctant to exercise...
Shes lifter herself and has a very good body for someone whos over 35.
About my problem(s):
No big injury-
just strained muscles- caused by improper form.
Here is her diagnosis(did I spell that right?Am I even supposed to use that word
1.I`ve got flat feet.(its genetic-all males in my family have it.)
But my Right foot is even flatter.Its like my Right ankle is not exactly staright as
its supposed to be.
This is what started the problem.
And not paying attention to form and weak adductors finished it off.
Everyday for a few minutes walk on my toes, then on my heels and then roll my foot
around on a football.
She might be on something here.
When walking on my toes and heels -My Right Anterior Tibias(the part in the front of
thelower leg) was burning like hell-with nothing on my Left.
2.Improper warmup:shes right on this one.
3.Improper form:I should`ve stopped and taken heed of my buckling knees problem right
when it started occuring.
*I dont wear shoes while working out(my gym doesnt allow footwear) -which she says is
very dangerous.
4.Nutrition: For someone who talks of competing in PL I eat too less protien....
5.Blood vessel in knee: theres nothing to it.
What she did with me that day:
She put this flexible pad on my knee-below and over it.Same thing for my Right
glutes.Then hooked them to a big machine with wires.
Then the temperature started going up.
Now this might sound extremely stupid-cause it is.
The thing is that I was extremely tired that day. And I had to rush over and do
another I just plain forgot to ask her what that thing is for.
I do remember her saying that its not a simple heat pad but emits some waves.
Anyone here know what it is?
For now I`m supposed to take a complete break from my training.
If I want to and if it doesnt hurt me I can start stretching.
Later I can start with Leg ext, leg curls, Body-wt sqts.
Also I`m supposed to increase my protien intake.For supplements she recommends Whey.
Then I`m to go in for a Foot Doctor and have a pair of heels made specifically for me
to put them in my shoes.
And join a better gym.
What other suggestions would you add?
And how exactly do you classify a Doctor as good or bad?
She asked me a lot of questions about how much wt I lift on what.
Then recommended some good gyms. And gave some tips on warm up, stretching and cool
Some of the stuff she gave me can be classified as old.
Eg.:*You must do some sort of cardio(when my knee doesnt hurt me any more..)"
*You should do a little stretching before wk-outs.."
Physios suggestions..
Re: Physios suggestions..
Usually it's the other way around!Gyms say you must wear footwear.Amit12 wrote:(my gym doesnt allow footwear)
Could be interferential electro-stimulation therapy.This is were small electical impulses(waves) are induced into the tissue.The body then secretes endorphines to kill the pain.It also aids circulation.Amit12 wrote:What she did with me that day:
She put this flexible pad on my knee-below and over it.Same thing for my Right
glutes.Then hooked them to a big machine with wires.
Then the temperature started going up.
Now this might sound extremely stupid-cause it is.
The thing is that I was extremely tired that day. And I had to rush over and do
another I just plain forgot to ask her what that thing is for.
I do remember her saying that its not a simple heat pad but emits some waves.
Anyone here know what it is?
I'd just stick with what your physio says for the time being.Amit12 wrote:What other suggestions would you add?
And how exactly do you classify a Doctor as good or bad?
A "bad" doctor can be someone who has no knowledge of sports injuries or isn't sympathetic to your cause(not necessarily bad,just not experienced in what your need).
Cardio is important for over all health and fitness.Amit12 wrote:Some of the stuff she gave me can be classified as old.
Eg.:*You must do some sort of cardio(when my knee doesnt hurt me any more..)"
*You should do a little stretching before wk-outs.."
Depends what kind of stretching you are going to perform.
Re: Physios suggestions..
I'm going to disagree with dragon and guess that it was a diathermy machine. Electro-muscle stimulation would feel like tiny little shocks (because that's what it is) and would cause your muscles to "jump" and contract quickly. Diathermy is closer to your description of a "fancy heating pad". Traditional heating pads operate on conduction. That is, the pad is hot so what it touches will be hot as well. With diathermy, the pads aren't hot at all; they just generate electric current. The advantage is that diathermy can penetrate much deeper into the body. Read more here. You can think of it as a low-level microwave oven and it can get pretty hot if you don't set the machine at the right level.Amit12 wrote: What she did with me that day:
She put this flexible pad on my knee-below and over it.Same thing for my Right
glutes.Then hooked them to a big machine with wires.
Then the temperature started going up.
Now this might sound extremely stupid-cause it is.
The thing is that I was extremely tired that day. And I had to rush over and do
another I just plain forgot to ask her what that thing is for.
I do remember her saying that its not a simple heat pad but emits some waves.
Anyone here know what it is?
P.S.: That gym of yours is crazy for not letting you wear shoes. You'd think they'd be worried about liability issues. I've heard people claim that you should use shoes with minimal arch support for squatting and deadlifting but I've never heard anyone suggest not wearing shoes at all.
About my gym not allowing shoes-
Its the same situation for most of the gyms in India.These are the local "clubs" not really well maintained....but really inexpensive.
A lot of gyms do allow footwear-but they are the more expensive ones.
I wanted to save some money so I ended up joining this one..and now I`m paying for it.
About the pad:
I think mmeloon is right.
After leaving the clinic for over an hour+ I was feeling this internal heat in my knees and glutes.
It felt as if blood was being flushed -something like that.
It felt really comfortable.
I`m seeing her tomorrow.
I`ll ask her what exactly it is for.
Its the same situation for most of the gyms in India.These are the local "clubs" not really well maintained....but really inexpensive.
A lot of gyms do allow footwear-but they are the more expensive ones.
I wanted to save some money so I ended up joining this one..and now I`m paying for it.
About the pad:
I think mmeloon is right.
After leaving the clinic for over an hour+ I was feeling this internal heat in my knees and glutes.
It felt as if blood was being flushed -something like that.
It felt really comfortable.
I`m seeing her tomorrow.
I`ll ask her what exactly it is for.
Right now its no wts at all for lower body.
I do these sessions on this SHORTWAVE DIA THERAPY MACHINE.
Its emits some waves at a fixed frequency which increases the internal temperature.
Exercises: walking on toes, on heels.
Football exercises(actually any ball will do:basketball, medicine..) :forward and backward rolling, clock-wise and anticlockwise, kicks with foot on ball. These are mostly for my flat feet.
In athe next few sessions we are starting with leg ext and Leg curls.
Ans if it doesnt hurt me then BW squats.
I do these sessions on this SHORTWAVE DIA THERAPY MACHINE.
Its emits some waves at a fixed frequency which increases the internal temperature.
Exercises: walking on toes, on heels.
Football exercises(actually any ball will do:basketball, medicine..) :forward and backward rolling, clock-wise and anticlockwise, kicks with foot on ball. These are mostly for my flat feet.
In athe next few sessions we are starting with leg ext and Leg curls.
Ans if it doesnt hurt me then BW squats.