- Sore knees... (please help me)

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Location: The Netherlands

- Sore knees... (please help me)

Post by Iceman »

Hey guys,

I'd like to get some help with the following:
Since a few months I'm trying to learn the boxersplits (through a legspreader).
I'm advancing quite nicely (currently I'm on a 145 degrees after 3,5 months).

But since 2 I started to get really sore knees (I ONLY have it while training my boxersplits).

- Can you tell me if there are any exercises which helps to calm down my knees a bit?? These exercises should be performed BEFORE my splits-training of course (because when I'm NOT training I don't have this pain).

"The Mind is like a Parachute, it works best when it is open" - Rickson Gracie

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Post by dragon »

I haven't come across the term boxer splits before.I assume because you are using a leg spreader this is a seated split?

If so,2 things:-

1-Depending on the design of the leg stretching device,it may be applying to much outward pressure on your knees with little or no support.
2-If you can perform conventional side splits with no problems then do that instead.It's basically the same action standing rather than seated.


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