Is this an okay order for Isometric exercises?

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Is this an okay order for Isometric exercises?

Post by Zymurgy »

If I do dynamic stretches to the front, back and side, is it okay to go right into isometrics or do I have to do more to warm up?

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Post by Kit »

It depends on what else you do in that workout. If you only want to to the isometric stretches and nothing further after them, then that sounds ok. Basically do isometrics at the end of your workout after all other exercises. So if you planned to do some training for some kind of sport - do your joint rotations, then dynamic stretches, then the sport specific warm-up, the your sport training, then finally your isometric stretches.

Thomas Kurz
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Re: Is this an okay order for Isometric exercises?

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Zymurgy wrote:If I do dynamic stretches to the front, back and side, is it okay to go right into isometrics or do I have to do more to warm up?
It depends on how strenuously you do your isometric stretches. The harder you tense the more you should warm up with calisthenics or with moderate external-resistance exercises.
Thomas Kurz
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