Dynamic Stretching To The Rear !

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Dynamic Stretching To The Rear !

Post by paul-scotland-uk »

Hi guys,

After following the DVD on stretching to the rear, I noticed that Mr Kurtz tends to flick his foot forward before each rep. I have tended to follow this trend, purley because I copied it from the beginning.

However, my instuctor last night asked if I had a sore leg because I was doing this, and to be honest, I coudn't give an answer. I simply replied, "that's how it's done. I'll need to let you see the DVD" !

I assume there is a reason for this and would appreciate an explaination as to why this is done. I hate doing something when I don't understand why or have an answer for it.



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Post by dragon »

I noticed the same.

The only reasons i can think of are:-

1.It might relieve any tension in the knee ligaments to bend the leg and relax it between each rep.
2.To add this "flick" you refer to causes a pause between each rep to prevent the movement becoming ballistic.


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Post by paul-scotland-uk »

Hi Dragon,

I agree with your points. I don't suppose there's much in it, or Mr Kurtz would have mentioned it by now!

I think it may be more to do with the timing ! .. If you think about it - it does create a pause before the next movement rather than one continuous motion, which would eliminate the two problems you pointed out.


Thomas Kurz
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Dynamic Stretching To The Rear !

Post by Thomas Kurz »

This flicking is an unintentional result of relaxing the leg as it swings forward before being raised to the back. The pause between movements (when the relaxed leg swings forward) lets me concentrate on doing the next raise right (controlled, high, with a stretch felt where needed).
Thomas Kurz
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