More training, less flexibility?

Post questions and tips on making your stretches or your whole flexibility training most effective.
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More training, less flexibility?

Post by blazi »

Yo. I've got a big problem! Recently I train 6 times a week (3 hours a day) and I noticed one thing. Day after Day my flexibility get worse, I feel pain in my hipjoints while warming up. On Saturday my split just sux! Maybe I shouldn't stretch everyday but I need my max flexibility on training, so I do dynamics, relaxes and isometrics stretches on my warm up. Also I have no time just for stretching, because of daily training. Here are my questions:

How can I keep my flexibility while training almost avery day?
If I stretch while training, will my flexibility get better without "only-stretching" training?

You can say that I should stretch after work-out, but then my joints lose all elasticity. I'm very tired.

Please help me and sorry for my English.

The Cougarkid
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Post by The Cougarkid »

you obviously havent read the book???

training three hours a night is too much. and your order of training is wrong. kurz says to never do isometrics or statics before ure main workout as your muscles just become tired. also you can't really get a good stretch this way as ure muscles are less elastic when cold so using statics and isometric's first would be too much shock for them.

shock for the muscles = fear which = less flexibilty.

get the book it's cheap as hell and gives you the exact information you need.

if you carry on you will injure yourself probably and you gains will definatly not improve then.

less is more my friend.

i started out too fast and within the first week i was sore, less flexible and had sore knees. i got the book, and within a few weeks my dynamic flexiblity has improved as has my leg strengh and flexiblity and i literally do isometrics every other day for about 20 mins after a workout and if im tired or stiff i just do abit of statics. i am 7 inches from hanging side split, 3-4 inches from karate split and 1 inch from front split ( gymnast way, thigh down.) all without touching groundwith my hands, only using muscle strengh in my legs.

the kurz system works, simple.

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Post by blazi »

Ok. I've beed trying to buy this book but I can't find it in Polish version. Mr. Tom, you're Pole, so can you help me? :)

The Cougarkid thank you for advices. But untill I find this book can you tell what should I do if I want to train every day? How should I do a warm up. How should I stretch? Dynamics untill I'll have my max flexibility? It doesn't work for me :/.

The Cougarkid
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Post by The Cougarkid »

what is your training split?

do you lift weights six times a week?

do some kind of martial art 6 times a week?

or splits training 6 days a week?

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Post by blazi »


"what is your training split"? - sorry, didn't understand it :D What is "training split"? But let me guess. Is it some kind of training plan? So:

I train from 3 PM to 6 PM. At the beginning I do a warm up: firstly something to make me sweating, then I twist most important joints, I do dynamics, then isometrics, in the end relaxes, sometimes I do dynamics again. After this warm up I just practise (I hope you know what breakdance is) :D until the training ends. At this moment, my muscles are already dead :). This is my "training split", if I've guesed what is it of course.

"do you lift weights six times a week?" - no, at all,

"do some kind of martial art 6 times a week?" - i dance breakdance,

"or splits training 6 days a week?" - no, it's only a dance training with stretching while doing it,

Thanks for helping me!

And remeber that, I'm just learning english at school :D.

The Cougarkid
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Post by The Cougarkid »

try doin joint rotations and dynamics first thing in morning.

then at 3 do it again then ure dancing, then isometrics and statics after if you want.

don't do isometrics everyday though.

and if i was you i'd try and do some strengh training ie squats, deadlifts, leg adductor flyes.

but dnt do all these things at once seperate them throughout the week, so your muscles get stronger rather than tired and weak.

less is more.

listen to your body.

Thomas Kurz
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Post by Thomas Kurz »

blazi wrote:Ok. I've beed trying to buy this book but I can't find it in Polish version. Mr. Tom, you're Pole, so can you help me? :)
In your post of Jan 13, 2008 in topic you wrote:
blazi wrote:Man... I've watched your DVD and it's great! The only sad thing is that, I don't have this all gym devices :/. But I train for about 4 years and I think I'm person with a good shape. Isometric stretching is incredible! Thanks! Now i know why I didn't make progress. I've just never try it!
So you have the DVD, with Polish narration, and on that DVD I explain when to do static stretching (both isometric and relaxed). You don't need fancy benches and weights--a bag of sand and a rope will do--if you pay attention and do the exercises the right way and at the right time. Follow the advice of The Cougarkid and you'll do fine.

BTW, there was Polish edition of my book but it was botched by the publisher--photos were in wrong places, text was messed up--so you are better off reading the original English version.

Also, info on structuring your workout (sequence of exercises, etc.) is in my articles posted at
Thomas Kurz
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Post by blazi »

Thanks. I didn't listen to your advices on this DVD so much and there wasn't anything about daily training :). Or I've missed something again. I focused on exercises. Anyway, I tried doing dynamics early in the morning but it didn't help me so much later in the day. So if I want effective training, I just have to do a lot of stretching in my warm up ;(. Also I think that I'm good shaped enough- I've been training for about 5 years. You think my body will use to getting full flexibility only by dynamics on warm up? Maybe I should do early stretching longer and more carefuly? I don't know... I'll try some differend methods.

The Cougarkid
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Post by The Cougarkid »

just read all the articles and devise a more effective training regime. you seem convinced that your're doing everything right and you're in good shape yet your flexibilty gets worse .

i think you need to swallow your pride and and read the articles on this forums again and change your workouts. because at the end of the day you want the splits right?? if you follow the kurz technique correctly, you shud only see gains never pain or decreased flexibilty.

"So if I want effective training, I just have to do a lot of stretching in my warm up "

if you do lots of stretching before training your muscles will fatigue and become less elastic, thus making ure training less effective.

"Also I think that I'm good shaped enough- I've been training for about 5 years."

i am in good shape, a pro wrestler in fact i cud squat and deadlift double my weight before even starting the kurz program and had good flexibilty, and yet wen i first tried 100 rep adductor flyes i couldn't do them. just because u have good conditioning in dance doesn't mean you're strong enough for the splits. it takes time split specific training and especially rest.

"You think my body will use to getting full flexibility only by dynamics on warm up?"

u wont get full flexiblity but your flexibility will improve alot faster if you do dynamics in the morn and night. within three weeks i felt the difference. not doin a martial art i had never done dynamic kicks before so it made a real difference.

ure obviously dedicated if you train 6 days a week 3 hours a day, you just have to sort out a program and note your progress if it doesn't work change it ,if it does carry on.

hope you get on well bud.

hopefully we'll both have pictures of splits between chairs on the stadion website soon.

good luck!!

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Post by blazi »

Thank you for cheering me up! :D I think You've just realized me all my errors, bad tendencies and wrong way of thinking. I'll follow your adives very carefuly (I'll read all the articles). Thanks again and good luck to!

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