Replacing Iso-holds with free weights?

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Replacing Iso-holds with free weights?

Post by 47thRonin »

I was wondering what you guys thought about replacing the Iso-holds with free weights?

I ask this question for two reasons:
  • 1. Iso-holds hurt my knees.

    2. I like to quantify my progress from one workout to another, and iso's make that difficult.
As for exercise selection I was thinking about wide "horsestance-like" full squats and sumo deadlifts. I may incorporate side lunges, but I'm not sure about them yet.

I was also leaning towards lifting maximal weights (>90% 1RM) to simulate the iso's, unless of course someone thinks that this would be an incorrect level of intensity.

Concerning the "horsestance-like" full squats that I mentioned above, how important is it that I keep my feet pointed perfectly forward? When I dont point them outwards a bit (maybe 30 degrees outward) it also hurts my knees when I'm the bottom position.

I'd appreciate any tips or comments on whether you guys think this is doable or not!



Post by Guest »

I think you should work on strenthing your knees. Single leg leg extentions, deadlifts ect.....

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