Static Stretching - purpose

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Static Stretching - purpose

Post by Tmess »

Two questions:

1. For a martial artist, ultimtetly, what is the purpose of static stretching other than for a cool down and/or general relaxation?
2. Can you get sore from "normal" static stretching - i.e. assuming that without aid from external force other than your body, your body won't allow you to stretch beyond what would tear your muscle?



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Post by cailifo »

1. you need ease and range of motion as a martial artist. it only comes through increased static flexibility. by which you can develop greater dynamic flexibility needed for kicks and such.

2. generally not, but you may be pressing too hard or holding a stretch for too long. if you're muscles arent used to it or too weak in the beginning and if you're not doing things correctly, you can expect soreness.

The Cougarkid
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Re: Static Stretching - purpose

Post by The Cougarkid »

cailifo wrote:you need ease and range of motion as a martial artist. it only comes through increased static flexibility. by which you can develop greater dynamic flexibility needed for kicks and such.
i think this statement is wrong? static stretches are meant for the purpose of being in a stretched position statically ie, splits. to develop greater dynamic flexibility and strengh for kicking you need to do dynamic stretches to replicate the actions of the muscles during the kick.
which is why i suspect kurz says not to do static stretches before your technical kicking workout.

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Re: Static Stretching - purpose

Post by cailifo »

right. the different types of stretching and workouts must be performed in proper sequence.

and right, it is dynamic stretching that will develop your dynamic flexibility. but your overall flexibility is only displayed by your dynamics, not developed by them.

you need a higher range of motion in your static flexibility to advance the degree of your dynamic flexibility.

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