Does diet affect flexibility?
Does diet affect flexibility?
Does diet affect flexibility? And are there any supplements that can imporve flexibility?
Type in and you'll find listed all the free *pdf articles about training factors, including nutrition. Excuse for asking, but why are so interested about nutrition and flexibility? I guess you've already seen that the forum has a special place intitled "Nutrition".
Thank you, I'll have a look through those to see if there's an answer to my question. I see in the Spring 1995 one, Mr Kurz says a bad diet may be responsible for a lack of flexibility, but doesn't elaborate.
Why am I interested in nutrition and flexibility? To improve my athletic performance. Yes, I noticed there was a nutrition subforum, but decided my question was more suited to the flexibility section
Why am I interested in nutrition and flexibility? To improve my athletic performance. Yes, I noticed there was a nutrition subforum, but decided my question was more suited to the flexibility section
No need for thanking! Just trying to be heplfull. Yeah, a bad diet could hinder your progress and slow your recovery. I think that you'll find all that you need there, about proteins, carbohidrates, fats, water, vitamins etc. Most written by Mr Kurz himself. Hope you'll benefit from all of the info you'll gain.