static streches: big gap between warm - up and no-warm-up

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static streches: big gap between warm - up and no-warm-up

Post by hanes »

I have another question concerning the "morning stretches" for getting flexible without a warm-up:
I realized that by doing the morning stretches every day, I got much better in doing leg raises or kicks without a bigger warm-up, but it does not have any effect on my relaxed sidesplits without warm -up.
It feels like there still is a huge difference between my static stretches with warm up and the ones without warmup, much more than I view when other people do it.
As far I am almost able to do a side split in using isometrics, I am always surprised how stiff I am at the beginning when I just try relaxed streches.
For example, after doing the leg raises in the morning, I always do some relaxed streches, as you adviced. Though my legs feel very flexible and light after the raises (and I can raise them quite high), I can t spread them at all on the ground, it feels like the abductors contract a lot and my level is like a beginner again. Only if I warm up and do some pre-streches for about 15 minutes, I can also do relaxed side splits.
Is this gap normal? And will it change after using your method for longer (I use it for about 5 months now)?

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Post by dragon »

You say your abductors feel tight?Did you mean adductors?

I would guess(and it is only a guess) that the difference between your splits with/without warm up is due to insufficient strength.
You say you need 15 minutes pre-stretching before you can display your maximum flexibility.This means you are capable of of showing flexibility but only after a lot of preparation.
More strength in extreme ROM would enable you to display a greater level of flexibility without as much easing into it.


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Post by hanes »

dragon wrote:You say your abductors feel tight?Did you mean adductors?

I would guess(and it is only a guess) that the difference between your splits with/without warm up is due to insufficient strength.
You say you need 15 minutes pre-stretching before you can display your maximum flexibility.This means you are capable of of showing flexibility but only after a lot of preparation.
More strength in extreme ROM would enable you to display a greater level of flexibility without as much easing into it.

Hi! Thanks a lot for the answer. Haha, yes I think I meant the "adductors".
As far I am not a native English speaker (hi from Germany!) I always mix up the terms and never know which one is meant, sorry. By the way, as far you can hardly find them in a dictionary, do you know if there is any homepage that shows all the muscles in pictures, that Mr. Kurz is always writing about?That would help a lot.
And I guess ROM means "range of motion"?
OK, so I have to work on my strenghth. Do you think tensing the muscles in an extreme ROM is enough? Would you advice to do some extra training?

Greetings from Germany!

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Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »

hanes wrote:Hi! Thanks a lot for the answer. Haha, yes I think I meant the "adductors".
As far I am not a native English speaker (hi from Germany!)Hanes
Your English is better than my German!

I couldn't find any anatomy charts.The closest i could find is this link that has descriptions:-

Yes,ROM is range of motion.Tensing whilst in an extreme ROM(isometrics)
will develop strength but extra resistance training can help againist injury and develop power.


Posts: 8
Joined: Jul 09, 2005 12:53

Post by hanes »

dragon wrote:
hanes wrote:Hi! Thanks a lot for the answer. Haha, yes I think I meant the "adductors".
As far I am not a native English speaker (hi from Germany!)Hanes
Your English is better than my German!

I couldn't find any anatomy charts.The closest i could find is this link that has descriptions:-

Yes,ROM is range of motion.Tensing whilst in an extreme ROM(isometrics)
will develop strength but extra resistance training can help againist injury and develop power.


Greetings from Germany!

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