Hindu Squats

Post questions and tips on developing strength-endurance or muscular endurance.
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Post by mat »

CrazyBoy wrote:Sorry to post so late, mat! It's great, but couldn't you rushed things a bit? How often do you do hindu squats in a week?
I do them every friday and in great number, in a row: yes it gets very boring, but I like it. Tommorrow I shall do again. I'll let you know.
Just realised I never replied to this one - apologies. I was doing them almost every day. I'd go for as many as I could, then be a little sore the next day and only do 50-100. Bodyweight exercises are supposed to be done very frequently - unlike lifting weights.

I'm not doing them very often at the mo - moved on to other exercises.

Once you get used to them there's a 'wall', a bit like when you're running. First 10 mins running are agony - then after that you settle down and you can just keep going. Its the same for Hindu squats - the first few are agony, then they get easier.


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Post by DanBor »

I never experienced any weird sounds, I only experienced weird pain in my knees because of hindu squats. So I don't do them.

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Post by DanBor »

Oh and I'm sorry for that /quote][/code] s..t at the end, I don't know how that happend.

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Post by backinjured »

lol mat, farting in Hindu squats yeah is certainly pretty funny to see

but no... not a fart sound... but I don't know how to explain. Like if I wasn't warmed-up enough but it doesn't matter the warm-up I do, the sound is still there. Everything is like crunching in my knees... It's not really comfortable either, I wouldn't say painful but weird. Like if there wasn't enough lubricant in my knees.

Thomas Kurz
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Hindu Squats

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Maybe you did (and do) too many too soon.
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

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Post by mat »

backinjured wrote:lol mat, farting in Hindu squats yeah is certainly pretty funny to see

but no... not a fart sound... but I don't know how to explain. Like if I wasn't warmed-up enough but it doesn't matter the warm-up I do, the sound is still there. Everything is like crunching in my knees... It's not really comfortable either, I wouldn't say painful but weird. Like if there wasn't enough lubricant in my knees.

It does sound like you have a weak knee problem. You could try doing very short sets, very regularly (every day). Maybe even just start with 10-20 and aim to add just one more squat every day. You've got to find how many you can do without pain and stick to that for a while to give your knees a chance to get used to it.

Another suggestion, try not doing them right down low. Put something behind you (stack of books berhaps) and only do the squats down until your bum touches the stack of books. Start with a height where your thighs are just above horizontal. Every few days, take a book away.

You really have to restrict your progress to VERY gradual.


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Post by CrazyBoy »

Backinjured- I used to experience popping sounds before starting doing hindu squats. And I remember some students of mine who experienced them before starting training. After a few months of regularly doing hindu squats and of safely rasing the number of reps, their problems faded away.
Slowly, but surely!!! Keep that in mind

Mat- :lol: made me laugh. As for how many squats I do, well I do them once a week and in great number , for example last week I did at least 1500. But I must tell it's more boring than hard to do. Thank God for the computer (listen to music while doing)

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Post by backinjured »

Well thanks for your advices, I though it was normal when starting this kind of exercise, never thought I was that weak :S I hope like Crazy Boy said it's will be gone in a month or more.

I'll try some of your advices, hope it will change something

"Slowly but surely" Hope I'll understand this soon :cry:

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Post by DanBor »

You can also try holding for something while you do them at the beginning (table, wall,...), so you can maintain perfect balance and prevent from bouncing at the bottom, untill you develop some strenght.

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Post by CrazyBoy »

That is if you have problems maintaining your balance while doing the squats. The idea (I think) is, if you have knee or back problems, to start doing as less as possible and at a velocity that will not trigger pain. Then make them fast and lot.

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Post by backinjured »

Yeah but it's not that painful.
Anyway, I'll see how that's going.

Another question: Are hindu squats working only on endurance or strength too?

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Post by mat »

backinjured wrote:Yeah but it's not that painful.
Anyway, I'll see how that's going.

Another question: Are hindu squats working only on endurance or strength too?
Oh, they'll definitely build strength if you're new to them. Once you're doing 500-1000, then yeah its endurance really and only doing proper squats with weights will give you more strength.


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Post by CrazyBoy »

As Mat said if you're doing lot of reps then you work on endurance and let me tell that while doing for example 1000 your heart pumps like hell and you're sweeting your eyes out.
It's a great exercise, if done properly, the only bad thing is that you get stronger: strength, endurance and even flexibility.
Cool! :D

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Post by backinjured »

Hehe cool :lol:


How long does it take you to perform 1500 squats??

What kind of teacher are you? PhysEd?

And you said something about your students having a similar problem to me. It was gone after a few months though. Maybe could you describe what they had, to see if it matches what I have, I'm just having trouble to explain.

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Post by CrazyBoy »

I am sorry to disappoint you Backinjured, but I am not a sports teacher/physical trainer. I am just a karateka with a little ambition :). As for how long did it took me to do 1500, let me tell you that it took about 6-7 months, because I perform the hindu squats once a week. At the beggining I did them daily, but after increasing the number I reduced the days.
Yeah, some students had some problems and they fixed it with these exercises, now doing at least a hundred in a single set and they are between 9-16/18 years old. Some of them, before starting to train in MA, had knee problems and flexibility problems. I followed mr Kurz's advice on flexibility and the student's flebility improved very quickly, and started doing bodyweight exercises to help them reduce their problems. And so did happened.
Hope you will too.

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