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by Tmess
Nov 22, 2010 21:08
Forum: General Feedback
Topic: Tom Kurz cited and recommended in a new book
Replies: 1
Views: 7976

Tom Kurz cited and recommended in a new book

Tom, The Movnat guys posted a link on twitter to this book "The Stoic's Burden: Observations and Reflections from within the Complex ". It's acutally a good read. It makes references to your work and the "Unbreakable Umbrella". Thought I would pass along. The pdf (and other ebooks formats) can be do...
by Tmess
Oct 07, 2009 16:41
Forum: Nutrition for Combat Sports, Individual Encounter Sports, and Team Games
Topic: Nutrition Rant
Replies: 15
Views: 21415

Re: Nutrition Rant

My Rant in response your Rant :o) I have found myself looking for truth in food. But my approach is not based on science per say b/c so much scientific evidence is conflicting (note who the authors are of these scientific studies and see there affiliations - you'd been surprised by many conflicts of...
by Tmess
Aug 03, 2009 13:04
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Chronic Rib Injury
Replies: 2
Views: 13240

Re: Chronic Rib Injury

Here is what I found on-line/offline for those that may experience this. Separated Rib (aka costochondral separation) Note: Slipping rib syndrome is similar but a different issue Symptoms -Ribs do not break skin -Ribs show no sign of bruising -Usually accompanied by a "pop" sound -Initial pain level...
by Tmess
Jul 30, 2009 10:45
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Chronic Rib Injury
Replies: 2
Views: 13240

Chronic Rib Injury

Over the last couple of years I have suffered 4 rib injuries. Each one occurred not from blunt trauma, but from pressure to the rib (e.g., from opponents shoulder) and movement (e.g., twisting body to perform a GI choke while opponent is in the turtle position). The ribs did not break - I heard a "p...
by Tmess
Jan 28, 2009 09:46
Forum: Nutrition for Combat Sports, Individual Encounter Sports, and Team Games
Topic: The Problem with Fruit….
Replies: 2
Views: 7091

Re: The Problem with Fruit….

I think you need to really understand the affects on the body of eating meat and dairy products (e.g. disease, premature aging, etc) - check out for more info and affects of meat and dairy on environment, ecomony, etc. If you eat a diet of mostly fruits, it is suggested that you brush af...
by Tmess
Dec 30, 2008 23:14
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Strengthening Adductors
Replies: 2
Views: 4521

Strengthening Adductors

Is this exercise a good adductor strengthening exercise -seems to work through the entire ROM? I ask because the advanced exercise TK uses in his videos require cables - was wondering if this was a good alternative when working the adductors. The video uses the powerslide tool (http://www.athleticin...
by Tmess
Jul 23, 2008 17:07
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Post Knee Surgey - tightness
Replies: 0
Views: 4664

Post Knee Surgey - tightness

I had knee Surgery to repair my ACL on my right knee a few years ago. They harvested my hamstring in order to repair the ACL. I've had some problems with full range of motion in my knee since then even after performing physical rehab. I practice BJJ and can not sit back on my heels (i.e. my heel can...
by Tmess
Apr 22, 2008 18:49
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Static Stretching - purpose
Replies: 3
Views: 4501

Static Stretching - purpose

Two questions: 1. For a martial artist, ultimtetly, what is the purpose of static stretching other than for a cool down and/or general relaxation? 2. Can you get sore from "normal" static stretching - i.e. assuming that without aid from external force other than your body, your body won't allow you ...
by Tmess
Oct 08, 2007 16:01
Forum: Planning and Control of Training
Topic: Getting Started But Also Need To Strenghten Knees
Replies: 2
Views: 6433

You may want want to do some basic leg strengthing exercises before progressing to plyometrics(the name for the jumping exercises you speak of) as they are typically used to improve sports speficic power ability- in the examples on your link, perhaps basketball or high jump. Also, for your weak and ...
by Tmess
Sep 25, 2007 11:31
Forum: Speed of Reaction
Topic: Can anyone help me??
Replies: 4
Views: 25528


Try Juggling - >>

Article discusses how this inexpensive drill will enhance qualities such as hand-eye coordination, ambidexterity, peripheral vision, depth perception, visual reaction time, and neuromuscular balance
by Tmess
Jun 05, 2007 12:45
Forum: Synchronization of Movements
Topic: Homolateral movement - Effects on performance
Replies: 0
Views: 16583

Homolateral movement - Effects on performance

I've purchased a few of Thomas Kurz's videos, and on his stretching video, he performs a warm-up using what appears to be some odd movements (e.g. punch with one arm while making large circles with the other while jogging in place). Why perform this and what is the benefit to the Martial Artist? Als...
by Tmess
Jun 05, 2007 12:24
Forum: Recovery
Topic: Effectivness of Ice Baths
Replies: 0
Views: 6839

Effectivness of Ice Baths

Does anyone have scientific evidence that Ice Baths work/do not work (e.g. immersing your lower extremity in ice water for 10 minutes post an intense muscular endurance workout)? If not scientific, any anecdotal evidence that it works/does not work - perhaps at preventing DOMS or similar effects on ...
by Tmess
May 21, 2007 09:21
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Sitting at a desk all day
Replies: 2
Views: 5104

Sitting at a desk all day

I sit at a desk all day and I was wondering what the impact (if any) this has on my flexibility (or joints, etc). I perform morning and evening dynamic stretches and work out regularly (weekends and evenings).

If there is a negative impact, is there something I can do to change this?

by Tmess
May 04, 2007 11:23
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Weight Lifting for Increasing Full Lower Body Flexibility...
Replies: 10
Views: 12038

You need to target legs first than back - so do squats first than back. Lower back has own its exercise progression - back extension, good mornings, deadlift for example. You need to master one excerise (low wiehgt to greater weight) before progressing to the next. You may injure yourself if you try...
by Tmess
May 03, 2007 16:09
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Weight Lifting for Increasing Full Lower Body Flexibility...
Replies: 10
Views: 12038

Deadlift For strength no muscle gain, you should aim for 1 set of no more than 6 reps Weight used depends on current strength level - however, work up until weight used = 2X body weight. To increase difficulty, use straight leg deadlift. Muscle sorness may indicate that 1. Weight used is too heavy a...

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