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by pieboy100
Jan 06, 2007 13:30
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Stretching
Replies: 1
Views: 3921


Hi Whenever I start a new flexibility programme, I find that I make huge gains in the first few days then I gradually tighten back up again. After a fortnight or so, any progress I have made stops and I start to revert back to being tight. I was wondering if anyone could offer any feedback on whethe...
by pieboy100
Feb 09, 2006 07:32
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Ankle and toe flexibility
Replies: 2
Views: 5510

Thanks Thomas I do have your book, and I was unsure about the schedule I should use. Is isometric once a day safe? I was under the impression that injury might occur like this? Also, my ankles are so stiff I can't squat deep enough to get a stretch. do I need to just stretch the calf or soleus/solus...
by pieboy100
Feb 05, 2006 17:56
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Ankle and toe flexibility
Replies: 2
Views: 5510

Ankle and toe flexibility

Hi I have been trying to improve my ankle flexibility and rotation for a while (both passive and static). I was wondering if anyone could advise me on the stretches to do. I basically want to be able to make a lower horse riding stance, and lengthen my front stance without curving my back to compens...

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