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by strangedejavu
Mar 13, 2007 22:44
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Flexibility Training & Vertical Jump Training. Conflict
Replies: 14
Views: 24084

I weigh about 150, so I should be aim for being able to Squat double my weight which is 300 pounds? Is that the target to be able to have peak jump height? 300 pounds is just my guess, but it's probably in that neighborhood. I'll leave it up to you to find out what the highest jumpers can squat. Yo...
by strangedejavu
Mar 08, 2007 13:32
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Flexibility Training & Vertical Jump Training. Conflict
Replies: 14
Views: 24084

So by weight lifting while restricting calories, you gain pure strength with little to no muscle mass? Theoretically, yes. However, this will take some experimentation. Squats are exhausting and have a great ability to add mass to the legs, so you have a balancing act there. Because they're so exha...
by strangedejavu
Mar 06, 2007 00:26
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Flexibility Training & Vertical Jump Training. Conflict
Replies: 14
Views: 24084

Mike's right. To put it in a little more detail, contracting a muscle is actually a skill. Your muscles are composed of a lot of muscle fibers that follow the all-or-nothing rule. That means that they contract all the way, or they don't contract at all. However, not every fiber contracts when you co...
by strangedejavu
Feb 19, 2007 16:25
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Flexibility Training & Vertical Jump Training. Conflict
Replies: 14
Views: 24084

Mr. Kurz's program involves strengthening the legs including weight training, so I would assume that would carry over to the jumping training. However, if you find that doing both at the same time is too exhausting, you may have to focus on one at a time. Otherwise, you'll progress in neither. Other...
by strangedejavu
Feb 14, 2007 18:16
Forum: Choosing Your Gym or Martial Arts School
Topic: Why do programs always offer classes 2 days apart?
Replies: 3
Views: 8990

I've found the same thing, too. However, they usually offer Friday or Saturday classes, so you could do Monday/Friday, Tuesday/Saturday, or Wednesday/Saturday (if you're willing to give up your Friday nights or Saturday afternoons). Otherwise, you could try doing MA on Tuesday, strength or endurance...
by strangedejavu
Feb 14, 2007 18:03
Forum: Choosing Your Gym or Martial Arts School
Topic: Does Tom Kurz train the public?
Replies: 1
Views: 6174

I've had the same frustration looking for a school in Dallas. I learned the hard way that you'll have to make some compromises on an instructor or else you'll remain stagnant waiting for the perfect school to come around. Instructors of more practical arts (like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Muay Thai) see...
by strangedejavu
Feb 14, 2007 17:14
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Flexibility Training & Vertical Jump Training. Conflict
Replies: 14
Views: 24084

If you do happen to gain muscle bulk while lifting weights, you won't lose any flexibility as long as you continue doing your stretching. Ever see Jean-Claude Van Damme doing the splits? He can do it on chairs, yet he's not called the Muscles from Brussels for nothing. If you don't want to put on bu...
by strangedejavu
Jul 01, 2006 16:17
Forum: General Feedback
Topic: Photo of unbreakable umbrella on a plane
Replies: 15
Views: 29410

My impression of this ad as a potential customer is irrelevant as this ad doesn't apply to me Oops. Perhaps I should have said "your interpretation of the intent of this ad". I'm not the kind of guy who would carry an umbrella anyway Really? I thought it rained all the time in the UK. Maybe you jus...
by strangedejavu
Jun 27, 2006 13:46
Forum: General Feedback
Topic: Photo of unbreakable umbrella on a plane
Replies: 15
Views: 29410

Dragon- All the semantics and probability analysis aside, I think our difference of opinion boils down to different impressions we took from the ad. For me, when I first read it, I was a bit sceptical and thought, "Really? That's all I need to know? Having weapons training won't help?" until I read ...
by strangedejavu
Jun 24, 2006 16:18
Forum: General Feedback
Topic: Photo of unbreakable umbrella on a plane
Replies: 15
Views: 29410

For example,i seriously doubt anyone's mother is going to be attacked by someone exactly the same size and strength as you suggest in the above experiment. The point of that experiment is to show that such a weapon would increase anybody's ability to fight, whether it be my mother or Randy Couture....
by strangedejavu
Jun 23, 2006 22:51
Forum: General Feedback
Topic: Photo of unbreakable umbrella on a plane
Replies: 15
Views: 29410

Oh yeah, and for the record, I am not actually condoning conducting those two experiments. They are merely rhetorical.
by strangedejavu
Jun 23, 2006 22:46
Forum: General Feedback
Topic: Photo of unbreakable umbrella on a plane
Replies: 15
Views: 29410

It won't make an untrained person much more effective in countering an attack.... I am making an assumption, but not without thought. I can think of two experiments to determine if an unbreakable umbrella can indeed increase an untrained person's ability to counter an attack: 1. Get two untrained p...
by strangedejavu
Jun 17, 2006 13:06
Forum: General Feedback
Topic: Photo of unbreakable umbrella on a plane
Replies: 15
Views: 29410

I think the point is this: If I'm a card carrying member of al-Qaida and I want to hijack a plane to use it as a missile, I better pray to Allah that Tom Kurz isn't on that plane. I have no problem with good peace-loving people having a blunt weapon on a plane. I personally don't fly enough or have ...
by strangedejavu
Apr 22, 2006 14:48
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Questions for Mr. Kurz
Replies: 4
Views: 11146

I have videos of these seminars and I consider editing them so to show mostly my instructions and demonstrations while deleting most of my futile attempts at correcting those fake martial artists, clueless black belts, etc. Mr. Kurz, I have an idea. Perhaps you should include your futile attempts a...
by strangedejavu
Apr 05, 2006 21:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Karate Website
Replies: 8
Views: 15379

I think if a situation goes beyond diplomacy and things get dangerous, a person is probably best off relying on his/her instincts. Everyone has some sort of fighting instinct. If a person has so much martial arts training that the moves have become instinct, then they'll be that much more effective....

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