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by backinjured
Aug 22, 2006 17:11
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: I have a problem!
Replies: 3
Views: 8457

but should I do my training program without considering my cycling ? I mean, will my body get used to the cycling and I won't have to adapt the training I do (weight lifting, MA training, etc)?

by backinjured
Aug 21, 2006 14:05
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: I have a problem!
Replies: 3
Views: 8457

I have a problem!

I have a problem! Since I don't have much money and a lot of things to pay, I've taken the decision that I'll bike to college during the fall, spring and summer. The parking fees are too high and a bus pass is also a bit expensive. But I know cycling isn't recommended for martial artists. I want to ...
by backinjured
Jun 13, 2006 07:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: joint cracking of fingers, toes, neck & back
Replies: 3
Views: 8532

it's harmless if you do it the right way
you should pull your fingers but do not press firmly on your knucles
by backinjured
Jun 04, 2006 13:59
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: Lunges
Replies: 1
Views: 6631


Are Lunges the best exercise for leg strength? As you probably know I'm suffering from knee pain. However, with all the exercise I've done in the past two months, it's getting better and better. I was walking and cycling a lot. I didn't have time to do any special training program. Most of the time ...
by backinjured
May 16, 2006 07:32
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: weights/bodyweight
Replies: 4
Views: 10029

Woah!!!! I got the video Naked Warrior. It's awesome!!! Now I'd like to change my question, can push ups or other bodyweight execises build muscle mass? As a martial artist, I'm interested in power, but I also want to look good and strong. I'm not looking for HUGE biceps but still I'd like to make m...
by backinjured
May 14, 2006 17:38
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: weights/bodyweight
Replies: 4
Views: 10029


Can push ups be as good as Bench Presses? Let's say with feet on a bench or something.

Can push ups with legs in the air along a wall be as good as military presses or that kind of exercise?
by backinjured
Apr 17, 2006 11:03
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: few questions
Replies: 3
Views: 8680

Thanks a lot for your comments
Personally,i wouldn't work the same muscle group twice in one week.
Even if the first time is for strength and the next one for endurance?

by backinjured
Apr 14, 2006 18:34
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: few questions
Replies: 3
Views: 8680

few questions

Hi! Could you please help me with these following questions 1) When I'm bench pressing, I feel something weird in my back. What's the proper way to bench press? Should I keep my lowerback sticking and flat on the bench? Should I let my lowerback go where it wanna go? Should I tighten my stomach musc...
by backinjured
Mar 29, 2006 18:42
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: cycling/walking
Replies: 4
Views: 9577

I'm talking about chronic injuries and well for possible future injuries "but you still haven't fixed your knee problem?" No, I haven't :( Dragon helped me and some others too to think about a good conditionning program, to strengthen my body, but I'm really having trouble to find the time. There ar...
by backinjured
Mar 29, 2006 06:58
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: cycling/walking
Replies: 4
Views: 9577


Is cycling and walking enough strenghtening to prevent knee injuries? Or to strengthen an injured knee?
by backinjured
Mar 16, 2006 08:03
Forum: Exercise Routines
Topic: coments on my routine
Replies: 3
Views: 8769

For Leg Raises, to prevent back injuries you could put your hands or fists under the buttocks, it helps the lowerback to stick to the floor.
by backinjured
Mar 06, 2006 18:30
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: Everyday training
Replies: 17
Views: 28298

Forearms of Steel In order to improve his gripping and punching power, Lee became an avid devotee of forearm training, While many champion bodybuilders shy away from direct forearm training, Lee made it a point to train his forearms daily. "He was a forearm fanatic," laughs Linda in retrospect. "If...
by backinjured
Mar 03, 2006 20:13
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: Best Knee Exercises
Replies: 1
Views: 6808

Best Knee Exercises

What are the best exercises to build strong knees? I already know Hindu Squats and Lunges. The normal squats too, but maybe too risky... So what would be the other great exercises? P.S. Oh and what's that rule of weight lifting and age? A teenager or young adult should not lift more than _????_ % of...
by backinjured
Mar 03, 2006 20:07
Forum: Strength-Endurance
Topic: Hindu Squats
Replies: 104
Views: 130507

An end to the topic? Noooo!!!

Hey, talking about bridge, IT'S AWESOME FOR LOWERBACK!!!!
And Hindu Squats too make me feel a lot better. It helps the lowerback, hips and legs to move easily.
by backinjured
Feb 27, 2006 15:02
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Learning the proper horse riding stance
Replies: 74
Views: 73853

But are you all really putting your feet parallel?? Shouldn't they be aligned with the thighs to avoid weak posture for knees?

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