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by Amit12
Aug 21, 2007 09:45
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Can dynamic stretches irritate a bulging disc/ sciatica?
Replies: 0
Views: 5481

Can dynamic stretches irritate a bulging disc/ sciatica?

I have this bulging disc which led to sciatica. Currently I'm doing much better thanks to months of inversion, proper strengthening and activation work. But once in awhile I still feel my sciatica flare up just a little. If i start doing dynamic stretches/kicks everyday what are the chances of my sc...
by Amit12
Feb 22, 2006 02:54
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: For Tom Kurz
Replies: 0
Views: 6215

For Tom Kurz

Hello Dr.Kurtz I`ve been posting some Q on the forum about the injuries I have at this point. I`ve been involved on-and-off for the past 5 years in Powerlifting,Bodybuilding, Judo. I was rereading all your artclies and this is what I`ve come across: Article no.9: "If muscles of one limb or side of t...
by Amit12
Feb 19, 2006 12:22
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Hip Hike
Replies: 0
Views: 5998

Hip Hike

Hey All I`m currently suffering from a Hip Hike. Its a long story-wrong and stupid training, a knee surgery and currently doing my rehab. To cut that long story short here are some of my probs: *R knee pain-I went an arthroscopic surgery and its much better than before. Currently I`m still suffering...
by Amit12
Dec 14, 2005 05:56
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Sciatica-the best treatment?
Replies: 3
Views: 9470

Hey! About the guy who said exercises which did help him- if its not too much trouble coulkd you plz ask him which exercises he was performing? Another thing- Sciatica refers to a bulging disk pressing against the sciatic nerve, right? I was going through my log and noted that even when I was doing ...
by Amit12
Dec 05, 2005 18:08
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Sciatica-the best treatment?
Replies: 3
Views: 9470

Sciatica-the best treatment?

i`ve posted some posts here about my knee and back injury. About my knee-I underwent an arthroscopy and now its only my sciatica whic is bothering me. I have glutei pain. 1.My surgeon recoomended that I take DIATHERMY and ULTRASOUND on my low back where the nerve is pinched for around 3-5 weeks. Wea...
by Amit12
Oct 25, 2005 18:10
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: I`ve torn my Medial Meniscus
Replies: 0
Views: 4233

I`ve torn my Medial Meniscus

I`ve posted some stuff on my knee injury before- so I`ll just do a quick recap. For over a year I was squatting with the wrong form. My knees used to cave in... Then somewhere in July I had this really bad cave in of my R leg. Also my R glutei started hurting me. I started seeing a Physio. She said ...
by Amit12
Oct 08, 2005 01:07
Forum: Nutrition for Combat Sports, Individual Encounter Sports, and Team Games
Topic: Glucosamine for injuries
Replies: 1
Views: 7247

Glucosamine for injuries

I`m suffering from this knee injury. My Physio thinks its a lig or a cartilage injury. A lot of people recommend taking Glucosamine supplements. Those who have taken them-what are your experiences? I was thinking of taking this Glucosamine spp. It contains: *Glucosamine sulphate:500 mg *Chondroitin ...
by Amit12
Jul 10, 2005 08:09
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: knee injuries
Replies: 3
Views: 10137

I didn't mean to come off as being against Dr's but I have seen good and the bad. I am offended when I pay good money and need their help and I get a two or three minute discussion and it is always done and he is on his way. I know exactly what you mean. About the guys you are seeing -its a grt thi...
by Amit12
Jul 09, 2005 10:24
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: knee injuries
Replies: 3
Views: 10137

I wont give u any advice here cause I`m not an expert on this. About you not trusting ur DR- hows this: My Mom has a MAsters in Physical Education. My aunt has a Bachelors in Physical Eduvation. My family Dr is a school frnd of my Mom. 2 of my Cousins and 1 of Sis-in-law are Dr. But as far as their ...
by Amit12
Jul 09, 2005 10:12
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Physios suggestions..
Replies: 4
Views: 8093

Right now its no wts at all for lower body. I do these sessions on this SHORTWAVE DIA THERAPY MACHINE. Its emits some waves at a fixed frequency which increases the internal temperature. Exercises: walking on toes, on heels. Football exercises(actually any ball will do:basketball, medicine..) :forwa...
by Amit12
Jul 06, 2005 08:50
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Physios suggestions..
Replies: 4
Views: 8093

About my gym not allowing shoes- Its the same situation for most of the gyms in India.These are the local "clubs" not really well maintained....but really inexpensive. A lot of gyms do allow footwear-but they are the more expensive ones. I wanted to save some money so I ended up joining this
by Amit12
Jul 04, 2005 15:16
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: Physios suggestions..
Replies: 4
Views: 8093

Physios suggestions..

For those who might be following my knee injury posts: OK I visited this Physio on staurday. First of all I`m happy to be visiting this one- I`m not saying that shes a big expert-but at least shes Pro-wt training..(unlike my family Doc and a few others i`ve met) Before it was my turn I overheard her...
by Amit12
Jul 01, 2005 08:27
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: blood vessel in Knee
Replies: 3
Views: 6345

About the blood vessel: Not any throbbing or anything. It doesnt even hurt me in that area of the knee. No throbbing sensation either. Its like -can you feel the blood vessels in your wrist area? Same thing. The reason its scaring me is because I think that during my sqt sessions when my knees used ...
by Amit12
Jun 30, 2005 18:09
Forum: Chronic Injuries
Topic: blood vessel in Knee
Replies: 3
Views: 6345

blood vessel in Knee

I`ve hurt my R knee and I`ve posted all of it in another post. But the one thing about my legs which is absolutely freaking me out is this: Theres this blood vessel in my R leg(the problem leg) knee area. I can feel that in the bottom sqt position. But theres nothing in my left. This is really scari...
by Amit12
Jun 30, 2005 08:51
Forum: Sudden Injuries
Topic: ACL trauma during a kickboxing spare
Replies: 6
Views: 15614

Jan_ wrote:Hi,

I recognised this particular sound when my leg returned from the roundhouse kick. When my foot touched the ground my knee went out sideways like a dislocation joint. :wink:

thankfully I have nothing like this.
Its when I snap the leg out thats when I get the POP.

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