Mac Mierzejewski, author of Power High Kicks with No Warm-Up!, is a full-contact karate fighter and instructor. He holds a M.Sc. degree in Sports Medicine (AWF—University School of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland) and a M.Sc. degree in Physical Therapy (University of Alberta, Canada). At AWF in Warsaw he completed two additional two-year university courses for karate instructors and boxing instructors. Mac used to teach karate at the Edmonton Kyokushin Karate Club in Edmonton, Alberta. Currently he coaches fighters at Hayabusa Training Center in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada.
Mac does roundhouse kick and side kick without any warm-up
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Mac won:
Gold at Karate Kyokushinkai Championships of Poland—1982-86
Gold at Oyama’s Cup (Poland)—1986
Gold (tameshiwari) at European Championships Kyokushin Karate—1987
Gold at Mas Oyama’s Canadian Kyokushinkai Tournament (open category)—1989
Gold at Mas Oyama’s Asia-Pacific International Open Karate Tournament—1989
He also has won several Best Technique and Best Spirit Awards.
He won most of his fights with kick knockouts
(see them on his video Power High Kicks with No Warm-Up!).