Henryk Sozanski, Ph.D., is a track-and-field coach and a teacher of national team members. He is a professor at AWF (University School of Physical Education) in Warsaw. He specializes in problems of training—including the role of jumping ability in athletes’ fitness preparation. He has directed research on training loads and their optimization. He is the author of more than 300 scientific and methodological works—including valuable manuals for track and field and concerning the theory of sports, among others: Trening Szybkosci (1981, Speed Training), Kierunki Optymalizacji Obciazen Treningowych (1992, Directions of Optimization of Training Loads), Podstawy Teorii Treningu (1993, Fundamentals of a Theory of Training), Sport Dzieci i Mlodziezy—Vademecum Trenera (1994, Sport for Children and Youth—A Coach’s Ready Reference Manual), and with Tadeusz Starzynski, Trening Skocznosci (1995, translated to English 1999 as Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports).
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